NASA Earth Science IT Efforts Yehuda Bock 1, Frank Webb 2, Sharon Kedar 2 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography 2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory UNAVCO Science Meeting Denver, Colorado 16 March, 2006
Ongoing NASA ES-IT Projects
Modeling and On-the-fly Solutions for Solid Earth Sciences (MOSES):
SOPAC CGPS Archive & DB ~1200 CGPS sites/metadata archived daily at SOPAC ~80 1 Hz (CRTN) > 50% in North America ~ 3M ftp retrievals/month, ~ 1 Hz (90% are RINEX files) All CGPS data collected since early 1990’s are on-line Basic infrastructure recently upgraded, expanded & hardened
NASA REASoN Analysis
NASA REASoN Analysis JPL/SIO combination includes nearly complete set of Western North America sites over the last decade+
NASA REASoN Analysis Rerun of all North America data holdings to begin in the next few months
REASoN Data Portal/GPS Explorer Time Series CRTN
SOMI v5.0GPS Explorer
SOMI v5.0GPS Explorer
SOMI v5.0GPS Explorer
SOMI v5.0GPS Explorer
SOMI v5.0GPS Explorer
REASoN Data Portal