US-Oman Workshop on Marine Sciences for Living Resource Development in Oman
Oman’s marine biota is distinctive Three audiences: >biogeographers >developers >conservationists HEXACORALS and OMAN 8 February 2004 Daphne G. Fautin University of Kansas, Lawrence
National Science Foundation grants OCE (NOPP), DEB & DEB (PEET), and supplements
Full synonymies are displayed – the they are linked so all records for a species are found regardless of the name used for the species SYNONYMY
illustrations from original descriptions original photomicrographs of type material original photos of type specimens
Occurrence records displayed on a map use symbols of a different color for each synonymous name. This function can be used for investigating whether a synonymy is justified.
All 10 records for Oman are of corals in the genus Acropora -- courtesy of Carden Wallace
Values for 13 environmental variables are displayed (from a dynamic search) FOR THE PLACES WHERE THE SPECIES OCCURS
to predict where else a species (Acropora glauca) may occur or habitats vulnerable to invasion anemone2/index.cfm Hexacoral/index.html
At present, a hit on common holdings requires visiting each one separately -- we are working on a common combined report form
An On-line Atlas of Marine Diversity An aid to natural resource management An international research program A network of expertise A federation of distributed, heterogeneous, interoperable databases The information component of the Census of Marine Life
The Ocean Biogeographic Information System anemone2/index.cfm Hexacoral/index.html anemone2/index.cfm