Page 1 B 0   Ks + quasi 2 body modes Koji Hara (Nagoya University) CKM2006 WG4    from charmless B decays.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1 B 0   Ks + quasi 2 body modes Koji Hara (Nagoya University) CKM2006 WG4    from charmless B decays

Page 2 Analyses Reviewed Belle  K 0 hep-ex/ (Accepted by PRL)  K 0,f 0 K S hep-ex/ BaBar  K S hep-ex/  K S hep-ex/

Page 3 B 0   K S Analysis Procedure 1. Event selection Flavor tagging, vertex reconstruction 2. Loose Continuum suppression Based on event shape variables 3. N sig extraction and CP fit Fit  E-M bc -M  -event shape-cos  H and  t Separate fits: Nsig  CP fit (Belle) Nsig and CP simultaneous fit (BaBar)

Page 4 B 0   K S Signal Yields 535 M BB pairs N sig Eff. 17% LR>0.85 LR  M BB pairs N sig Eff. 23%

Page 5 B 0   K S tCPV result S = A = S = C =- A = Dominant systematic errors: signal  t., BB BG, tag-side interference Dominant systematic errors: BG frac.,  t resol., tag-side interference

Page 6 B 0   K 0 (Belle) Selected   K + K - mass region |M KK -M  |  10MeV/c 2 K + K - K 0 non-resonant contribution is estimated from the separate Dalitz analysis to be %. f 0 K 0 contribution is treated as systematic error. BaBar did KKK 0 time-dependent Dalitz analysis.  Di Marco ’ s talk in WG4-14-PM1

Page 7 B 0   K S Yields Fit M bc -  E-LR(event shape+cos  H ) LR LR>0.5 LR  0.5 Data sample: 535 M BB pairs Nsig:  (K + K - )Ks, Ks   +   (K + K - )Ks, Ks   0   (KsKL)Ks, Ks   + 

Page 8 B 0   K L Yields Fit P B cms -LR Data sample: 535 M BB pairs Nsig: LR

Page 9 B 0   K 0 tCPV result S =  0.21  0.06 A =  0.15  0.05 Background subtracted S  Ks =  0.23 A  Ks =  0.16 S  KL =  0.56 A  KL =  0.38 Results for Ks KL separate fit Dominant systematic errors: BG frac.  t resolution, tag-side interference

Page 10 B 0  f 0 Ks (Belle) Selected f 0   +  - mass region 0.890<M  <1.088 GeV/c 2 Other B 0   K S decay background is estimated from separate fit to M  Distribution

Page 11 B 0  f 0 Ks Yields Data sample: 535 M BB pairs Nsig: 377  25 LR LR>0.5 Fit M bc -  E-LR

Page 12 B 0  f 0 K S tCPV result - S =  0.23  0.11 A =  0.15  0.07 Dominant systematic errors:    Ks BG (interference effect, CPV)

Page 13 B 0    K S (BaBar) Selected  0   +  - mass region 0. 4<M  <0.9 GeV/c 2 B decay BGs are estimated from MC

Page 14 B 0    K S Yields Fit M ES -  E-NN- cos   -M  -  t Data sample: 227 M BB pairs Nsig

Page 15 B 0    K S tCPV result S =  0.52  0.24 C =- A =  0.41  0.20 Dominant systematic errors: Interference, PDF uncertainties, mis- recon and fit bias

Page 16 Summary S =(-  f sin2  1 eff ) values are consistent with sin2  1 from b  ccs. BaBar  Ks tCPV errors are smaller than Belle. –Similar analysis method is used. –Possible reason:  selection, boost factor, statistical fluctuation. Quasi 2 body analyses has large systematic errors from B decay BG components. –Especially in  K S modes –Time-dependent Dalitz analysis will be necessary for improvement.