Kirk Checkwood Instructional Technology Specialist Electronic Portfolio HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction SWOT Analysis Curriculum Vita Program Courses Standards Form Field Experience Disposition Rubric Final Reflection HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
INTRODUCTION HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses Why a specialist degree in Instructional Technology – a typical question my peers and colleagues ask as I read, explore, and come to an understanding myself. It began simple I suppose, the next step in the evolutionary process whereas technology is becoming more and more present in the educational system. Using the degree as a stepping stone or proverbial bridge from the classroom to the media center I hope to become an ambassador between the world of technology and the traditional classroom. As a classroom teacher for twelve years, I began working on my Specialist’s Degree in the Fall of 2009 completing the degree in the Spring of Where will technology take the classroom? Although I cannot foretell the future, I can – with a Specialist Degree in Instructional Technology – prepare myself for the changes to come.
PROGRAM COURSES MEDT 7464 Integrating Technology MEDT 8461 Diffusions of Innovations MEDT 7467 Web Design Instruction MEDT 8463 Issues in Instructional Technology MEDT 7466 Digital and 35mm Photography MEDT 8484 Research Seminar I MEDT 7461 Instructional Design MEDT 8480 Program Evaluation HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 7464 Integrating Technology Blog ProjectBlog Project (NETS II-b, COE 10) Voice Thread ProjectVoice Thread Project (NETS II-a, COE 05) Comic Life ProjectComic Life Project (NETS III-b, COE 04) Digital Storytelling ProjectDigital Storytelling Project (NETS III-c, COE 04 Project Based Learning ProposalProject Based Learning Proposal (NETS III-a & VII-a, COE 08 & 04) Retrospective PaperRetrospective Paper (NETS I-a, COE 10) Projects Reflection When determining which classes to take, MEDT 7467 Integrating Technology was first on my list. As a high school English teacher I witnessed firsthand the influx of technology in the classroom. MEDT 7467 Integrating Technology introduced me to the wave of Web 2.0 applications on the horizon and allowed me to test drive and evaluate the importance of such applications. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 8461 Diffusions of Innovations The InterviewThe Interview (NETS VIII-a, COE 07) Diffusion and Adoption ReflectionDiffusion and Adoption Reflection (NETS V-a & VII-b, COE 01) Interviewing StakeholdersInterviewing Stakeholders (NETS II-e & VI-c, COE 06 & 05) Hands-on TechnologyHands-on Technology (NETS III-e, COE 03) Projects Reflection How can one bring about change? As I began to immerse myself and my classes in the various technologies that could bring about dramatic change in education and the learning process the MEDT 8461 Diffusions of Innovations helped in my understanding of such change. In this course I closely studied a multitude of models and innovations speaking with the stakeholders, change agents, and reflecting on my own methods of change to enhance positive change through technology. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 7467 Web Design Instruction Dreamweaver Assignments Instructional WebsiteInstructional Website (NETS II-f, COE 08) Projects Reflection For years I have designed and updated websites both professional and educational using HTML without an understanding the many resources and authoring applications. Through the MEDT 7467 Web Design Instruction I gained a greater understanding of such applications and design principles to create an instructional website for the classroom. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 8463 Issues in Instructional Technology Concept Map a Chapter Concept Map a Chapter (NETS I-b, COE 01) Personal Technology SWOT Analysis, Goals, and PlanPersonal Technology SWOT Analysis, Goals, and Plan (NETS IV-b, COE 10) Tech TipTech Tip (NETSII-c, COE 08) Literature ReviewLiterature Review (NET V-d, COE 03) The Big Three QuestionsThe Big Three Questions (NETS V & VI-b, COE 08 & 06) Program and Portfolio FocusProgram and Portfolio Focus (NETS II-d, COE 04) Projects Reflection With change and technology come issues. In the MEDT 8463 Issues in Instructional Technology course I was able – through various podcasts, readings, and reflections – to explore several of these issues and how they relate to the future of technology in education. Technology is here to stay and through an understanding of issues that issue positive change may come about. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 7466 Digital and 35mm Photography Digital Photography Assignments E-Portfolio Collaborative Lesson PlanCollaborative Lesson Plan (NETS III-d, COE 05) Digital Storytelling ProjectDigital Storytelling Project (NETS VI-d & VIII-c, COE 01 & 05) Projects Reflection How can photography enhance the classroom environment? How can one make his/her classroom a visual classroom? In the MEDT 7466 Digital and 35mm Photography course I learned about the tools of the trade and the multitude of applications to enhance my own photography. With this knowledge I will be able to use digital photography to promote active learning – bringing the world into the redbrick walls so to speak. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 8484 Research Seminar I Book ReviewBook Review (NETS IV-c, COE 04) Letter of Submission Article Comparison Chart and NarrativeArticle Comparison Chart and Narrative (NETS V-b, COE 10) Retrospective Paper Research Plan FinalResearch Plan Final (NETS VI-e & VIII-b, COE 07 & 10) Projects Reflection Research and writing, writing and research – two components to any successful academic venture. In order for one to understand concepts, ideas, and questions one must look at the work of others as well as ones own ideas closely in a responsible way. In the MEDT 8484 Research Seminar I course I was able to explore different outlets of technology and philosophies on technology and how they influence the learning environment. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 7461 Instructional Design Instructional Design Comparison PaperInstructional Design Comparison Paper (NETS IV-a, COE 01) Faculty In-service Project Plan 1 Faculty In-service Project Plan 2 Faculty In-service Project Plan 3Faculty In-service Project Plan 3 (NETS VI-a, COE 01) Understanding by Design Student Instruction Projects Projects Reflection How can one efficiently design a classroom lesson plan incorporating the standards of the time? As an educator I understand the difficulty of planning – throw the grays we call technology and the difficulty grows. The MEDT 7461 Instructional Design course introduced me to the many models of design and how to effectively use such models in the classroom. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
MEDT 8480 Program Evaluation Article Critique Evaluation Contract Evaluation PlanEvaluation Plan (NETS VII-c & VIII-d, COE 02) Evaluation ReportEvaluation Report (NETS VIII-e, COE 09) Projects Reflection It is always difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of a school program as there are multiple purposes and components involved – is the purpose to communicate with stakeholders, post grades, post assignments, et cetera. When evaluating a program where does one begin? In the MEDT 8480 Program Evaluation course I learned about the tools needed and how to use such tools to identify, explore, and evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs. HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses
FINAL REFLECTION HomeTable of ContentsIntroductionProgram Courses Becoming a specialist in instructional technology – what exactly does that mean? Even as I walked through the doors at the University of West Georgia for orientation for the Instructional Technology Education Specialist program my clarity and understanding of the program remained muddled and distant. What did the degree entailed? What was the reasoning behind obtaining it? Why was I here? Final Reflection Continued SWOT Analysis