The CIT: Community Innovations Team
CIT – An Integrated team CIT HCC Adult Services Voluntary Services Hampshire PCT Local Borough Councils
CIT & HCC ASD’s “Hampshire Model” 3 Core Themes to The Model: Self Directed Support (mainly long-term) Crisis care & re-ablement (acute) Prevention & Early Intervention – “PEI” (maintaining well-being, preventing deterioration) CIT is located in PEI, which is located within “Wellbeing & Partnerships” within HCC Adult Social Services (ASD).
CIT & The Universal Offer: Access to quality information & advice Access to everyday life Active citizenship That ‘little bit of help’ to manage own health & wellbeing
Wellbeing & Partnerships - Vision A single network of support - with an early intervention and prevention pathway - for people who require support but who are not in the care system. There are a wide range of services currently in existence without which the only option for many older people would be care services
Eligibility Older people in the Community over the age of 55 years Struggling to maintain their independence, or Require some support to lead a fulfilling lifestyle Who are not in crisis Not in receipt of statutory support (not FACs eligible)
Increasing independence CIT involvement No need Low need Moderate need Substantial need Critical need Who Do CIT Work With?
What We Do Increase Independence Improve Health and Wellbeing Early Intervention and Prevention Reduce Risk
Multi – Disciplinary Team OT CDW SW CSW Link Nurse
Occupational Therapist Wellbeing Assessment Create support plans with client Equipment and Adaptations Anxiety Management Memory Work Meaningful Activity Signposting Links with Adult Services and Health
Social Worker Wellbeing Assessment Create support plans with client Housing & Benefits Grief Work Social Interaction Carers Signposting Care needs; links with Adult Services
Community Support Worker Hands On Turn support plan in to reality Establish rapport with the client Build Confidence Graded support to attend social activities
Council of Voluntary Service (CVS) – Community Action Fareham – Gosport Voluntary Action Support for voluntary and community groups Provision of services: Dial-a-Ride; Shopmobility; Home-Helps; Gardening; Befriending; Car Schemes
CIT and OT Direct Don’t Quite Meet Eligibility Criteria Unable to Fast Track ‘Just Not Sure’ Referrals Memory Difficulties or Anxiety Socially Isolated and Lonely Limited Meaningful Activity Employment and Volunteering
Case Study 69 years old Low mood Mobility difficulties Lives alone OPMH referral Bathing Lonely Re-housing Adoption services Sensory needs
Key Findings Socially isolated. Low in mood. Concerns re housing Couldn’t manage shower or bed transfer Mobility difficulties. Information required on POA. High risk sensory needs. Emotional support due to adoption. High risk of falls.
Support Plan - CSW Shower board and bed lever Pendant alarm/Telecare Low mood management/liaison with OPMH. Medication management. Meaningful activity – books and banter, art classes Contacted In Touch – Home Improvement Agency Sensory referral Adoption services- accessing records Finance advise- POA. Falls assessment. Environmental health support. First Wessex referral- ongoing support
Fareham and Gosport CIT Covers all local authority areas All GP practices within the council boundaries Referral from any source, self-referral, voluntary, relative and via Hants Direct Client permission & agreement essential
Fareham and Gosport CIT Average age referral 75 Referral source,self/adult services and partners in health Average support plan provided four or more services ranging from :- OT Support, Domestic and support services, Voluntary services through driving, support with groups and clubs/social interaction, exercise groups Referral to statutory services/GP/mental health services
Further Information & Contacts PEI Manager – South & East Tel: / CIT Fareham: Tel: Based at Fareham Reach on A32 (Fareham Adult Services Office) Team Leader Social Worker (F&G) : Occupational Therapist : Community Support Worker CIT Gosport: Based at Gosport Adult Services Office, Stokes Rd, Gosport Team Leader Social Worker (F&G) Social Worker Community Support Worker Occupational Therapist
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