GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004 Hammer-Aitoff map
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004 GRBs
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004 Galactic Center Energy (MeV) Counts Something is going on there! Wimps
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004
3C2733C279 This one is off!
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004 CrabExtragalactic Diffuse Emission Galactic Diffuse emission GemingaPKS0528p e Egret Flux (10 -8 cm -2 s -1 ) Egret Index TsMap for the anticenter region “ Tutorial ” DC1 Flux Index Anticenter region Optimizer:drmngb
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004 GRB1 GRB2 GRB3 3C273 3EGJ EGJ EGJ EGJ EGJ EGJ Vela Geminga Crab 3EGJ EGJ Ra (deg.) Dec (deg.)
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, EGJ EGJ EGJ EGJ EGJ EGJ Drmngb return code: 4 = RELATIVE FUNCTION CONVERGENCE Prefactor always winds up close to initial value with drmngb ?! Convergence? Minuit seems to work better! Flux (drmngb) Flux (minuit) Egret Flux (10 -8 cm -2 s -1 ) Index (drmngb) Index (minuit) Egret Index EGJ PKS Mrk501Mrk421Vela 3EGJ Flux (minuit) Index ( minuit) Egret Flux (10 -8 cm -2 s -1 ) Egret Index Likelihood results
GLAST LAT Project SLAC Jan. 12, 2004 On a given day, what sources are active? A rough estimate of the flux of the bright known transient sources (AGNs) would be useful (DC2 and later). One needs to visually check the quality of the fit provided by the likelihood tool. The latter is not yet foolproof. Some problems with the DRMNGB optimizer and TsMap (crashes). Pointing history in the root Ntuple will be useful to produce “normalized” fluxes with root.