C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 1 Injector / Linac Design & Fabrication C.E. Rago FAC Review 04_20_06.


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Presentation transcript:

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 1 Injector / Linac Design & Fabrication C.E. Rago FAC Review 04_20_06

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 2 Design & Fabrication-Difficulties Identify Injector / Linac problems! Systematic and Specific Review management actions to limit risk! Answer reasonable questions!

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 3 Design LCLS Solid Modeling Solid Edge / Pro Engineering First Large Project Experience at SLAC Problems with: General Organization LCLS Hierarchy / Drawing Tree (Advanced Planning) Large Model Assemblies Lead Designer Control Single Source / Multiple User / Revision Control PDM System / Share Point SLAC Staff Uniform Supervision / Central Offices Weekly group Meetings Increased training Checking Staff Performance Management / Software / Network & CPU Hardware

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 4 Front End Water Injector through BC1 Large Change to Existing SLAC Facilities Problems with: LCLS CF Requirement Multiple Circuits with tight regulation Large Operating Bandwidth Several Modes of LCLS / Linac Operation Money & Schedule Transferred Design Engineer with SLAC water experience Validate proposals through SLAC CEF / AD I/O interface with LCLS Controls

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 5 LCLS Vacuum Pressure Profile and Contamination No problems with pressure profile Issues with Contamination: UHV at Injection Gun Optics in vacuum Adopted SLAC design and fabrication specification Uniform equipment to assist Operations and Maintenance

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 6 Installation Installation and Schedule Problems with: New SLAC Operating Procedures Soft Base – Constant Improvement Partners with AD / MD /MFD / Klystron Manufacturing / Metrology Davis-Bacon Contracting Clear Instruction from LCLS Project Office Inj / Lin “Fill In Mode” Storage Cleared MFD Bldg. 026 Rad Prep Storage Instituted Bar Codes MFD control procedures QA Share Point

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 7 Installation Distributed Fabrication ANL / LBNL ( OTRS1, Toroids, RF BPMs, Spectrometer Magnets ) Actual Delivery Schedule Kathleen Ratcliffe – Expanded P3 Delivery Dates

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 8 Mechanical / Control Interface MPS, PPS, BCS, Cable Plant, AC Power Problems with: Schedule Common understanding of P3 Consistent Priority between groups. Location and Cable Interface with mechanical hardware Fuller interprets for LCLS Controls Limited Hardware staff Hamid has made great strides with staff and direction.

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 9 Specific Components Component of most concern: Bunch Length Monitors in BC1 GTL Fabrication OTR /YAG Optics BC1 Inter Bend Diagnostics

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 10 Independent Tracking

C.E. Rago Inj/Lin Design & 4_20_06 11 LTU FY07 Installation Remainder of the existing Linac Linac to Undulator / Electron Dump Increasing concern to articulate overall system Schematic Released Magnets moving forward Instruments under general development Tunnel Interface Supports Special Vacuum Chambers