Sustainable Forest Management on the Yakama Reservation
Washington 1.4 million acres established by the Treaty of June 9, 1855
Agriculture Total Area 1.4 million acres Range Forest Forest and Woodland 647,172 acres = 47 %
What is sustainable forestry? What is forest health? What are the characteristics of a healthy forest?
A healthy forest is a condition where insects, diseases, fire and weather events do not threaten forest management objectives now and in the future
A healthy forest maintains a diversity of plants and animals aesthetic appeal resource sustainability and is resilient to disturbances
Cultural Resources Fish Forest Health Range Revenue and Employment Water Quality Wildlife What do we want to sustain?
An unhealthy forest is characterized by high levels of insects and diseases increased mortality and reduced forest productivity
Changes in forest health have occurred as a result of Fire Exclusion Livestock Grazing Selective Timber Harvesting
Increased stand densities and decreased tree vigor
Conversion in Timber Types
Extensive areas of the Yakama Forest are dominated by Douglas-fir and grand fir Very good for the budworm
205,584 acres
Western Spruce Budworm Defoliation
Short Term Strategy: Recover value of dead and dying trees
Long Term Strategy: Promote the development of a more resilient and sustainable forest
288,159 Acres
Prescribed fire Low- Intensity burn
Before Silvicultural Treatment
After Silvicultural Treatment
Inventory Billion BF Billion BF Total Harvest 6 Billion BF
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