APOLLON TEAM Color and color combination
Rationale and core concepts Teach: Color combination Range of colors (spectrum) Reflection Use colored geometric objects: Glass Non transparent
Description of the activities in the frame of a more general path Introduction Make color glasses – Pipe wire – Colored transparent sheets Explore the world around you (inside/ outside) Write what they observed Discussion about the results
Target group (kindergarten and primary school)
Materials Colored glass/ plastic Pipe wire Pde glue Colored geometric object The children wear the glasses inside and outside.
Setting of the class There are 4 tables on each table there are a different set of glasses. 1.Red glasses 2.Green glasses 3.Blue glasses 4.Yellow glasses Children look at various objects in the room and record the color changes.
Space and time ½ hour making ½ hour plan ½ hour reflection
References From a Greek book by Kostas Ravanis TITLE OF THE BOOK: Activities for kindergarten from the world of physics.