Respirocytes A Mechanical Artificial Red Cell: Exploratory Design in Medical Nanotechnology -Robert A. Freitas Jr. Presented by UmaMaheswari Ethirajan
Overview Introduction Preliminary Design Issues Nanotechnological design of Respiratory Gas carriers Baseline design Therapeutics Safety and Bio-compatibility Applications Summary and Conclusion
Introduction Molecular manufacturing processes applications. Medical implications – precise interventions at cellular and molecular levels. Medical nanorobots – research, diagnoses and cure. Preliminary design for artificial mechanical erythrocyte or Red Blood Cell (RBC) – Respirocyte.
Preliminary Design Issues Biochemistry of respiratory gas transport – oxygen and carbon-dioxide. Existing Artificial Respiratory Gas carriers Hemoglobin Formulations 50% more O 2 than natural RBCs. Dissociates to dimers, Binds to O 2 more tightly, Hemoglobin oxidized. Fluorocarbon Emulsions Physical solubilization – emulsions of droplets Shortcomings of Current technologies Too short life time Not designed for CO 2 transport vasoconstriction
Design of Respiratory Gas carriers Pressure Vessel Spherical, Flawless diamond or sapphire 1000atm – optimal gas molecule packing density Discharge time very less - <2 minutes Recharging with O 2 from lungs Respiratory gas equilibrium – more CO 2 Provide additional tankage for CO 2 Means for gas loading and unloading
Molecular Sorting Rotors Binding site pockets – rims – 12 arms Selective binding Eject – cam action Fully reversible – load and unload 7nm x 14nm x 14nm 2 x kg Sorts molecules of 20 or fewer atoms 10 6 molecules/ sec
Molecular Sorting Rotors (cont’d) Power saving – generator subsystem 90% occupancy of rotor binding sites Multi-stage cascade – virtually pure gases
SSorting Rotors binding sites O 2, CO 2, Water, Glucose DDevice Scaling On-board computer – 58nm diameter sphere 37.28% of tank surface – sorting rotors Reasonable range – 0.2 to 2 microns Present study assumes – approx. 1 micron BBuoyancy control Loading and unloading water ballast Very useful – exfusion from blood Example – specialized centrifugation apparatus Nanotechnological Design of Respiratory Gas carriers (cont’d)
Baseline Design - Power glucose & oxygen – Mechanical Energy Glucose – blood & Oxygen – onboard storage Glucose Engine – 42nm x 42nm x 175nm Output is water – approx. glucose absorbed Fuel tank – glucose storage – 42nm x 42nm x 115nm Mechanical or hydraulic power distribution Rods & gears Pipes & valves Control – onboard computer
Baseline Design - Communications Physician – broadcast signals Modulated compressive pressure pulses Mechanical transducers – surface of respirocytes Transducers – pressure driven actuators Internal Communication Hydraulic - Low pressure acoustic spikes Mechanical - Mechanical rods and couplings
Baseline Design - Sensors SSorting rotors – quantitative molecular concentration sensors IInternal pressure sensors – gas tank loading, ballast and glucose fuel tanks, internal/external temperature sensors.
Baseline Design – Onboard Computation 10 4 bit/sec computer 10 5 bits of internal memory Gas loading and unloading Rotor field and ballast tank management Glucose engine throttling Power distribution Interpretation of sensor data Self-diagnoses and control of protocols
Glucose rotor, Tank, Engine and Flue Assembly in 12-station Respirocyte baseline design
Pumping Station Layout
Equatorial Cutaway View of Respirocyte
Polar Cutaway View of Respirocyte
Baseline Design – Tank Chamber Design Diamondoid honeycomb or geodesic grid skeletal framework Perforated compartment walls Present design – CO 2 and O 2 separate Proposed – same chamber Disadvs Respiration control – CO 2 level Reverse CO 2 overloading Reduction of maximum outgassing rate
Therapeutics Minimum Therapeutic dose Human blood O 2 capacity – 8.1 x molecules Each respirocyte – 1.51 x 10 9 O 2 molecules Full duplication – 5.36 x devices Hypodermal injection or transfusion Maximum Augmentation Dose Fully O 2 charged dose – 9.54 x respirocytes 12 minutes and peak exertion 3.8 hours at rest Control Protocols Precise external control by physician Programmable for sophisticated behaviors
Safety and Bio-compatibility Mechanical failure modes Device overheating Non-combustive device explosion Radiation damage Coagulation Inflammation Phagocytes
Applications Transfusions Treatment of Anemia Fetal and Child-related disorders Respiratory Diseases Cardiovascular and Neurovascular applications Tumor therapy and Diagnostics Asphyxia Underwater breathing Endurance oriented sport events Anaerobic and aerobic infections Veterinary medicine
Summary and Conclusion Artificial erythrocyte Avoiding carbonic acidity – mechanical transport of CO 2 236 times more O 2 per unit volume than natural RBCs Tough diamondoid material Numerous sensors On-board nano-computer Remotely programmable Lifespan of 4 months Future advances in molecular machine system engineering – actual construction.
References Drexler KE. Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1992.Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation
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