Bibliotherapy: Life Cycle Aging, Death, and Sexuality The Life Cycle
The Life Cycle: Aging
Life Cycle: Aging
The Life Cycle: Death
The Life Cycle: Title A summer to die / by Lois Lowry Publisher: New York : Dell,c1977. Paging:{120} Summary: Thirteen-year-old Meg envies her sister's beauty and popularity. Her feelings don't make it any easier for her to cope with Molly's strange illness and eventful death.
The Life Cycle: Sexuality Information should take into account readers developmental level. Information should be accurate with appropriate terminology. The approach should maintain human dignity. Books should indicate that there are many values about sex. Books should avoid perpetuating myths and falsehoods. Books should acknowledge and value sexuality in human beings. Gay, lesbian or bisexual characters should be portrayed as fairly as heterosexual characters.These characters should not be exclusively victims or persecutors and should not be feared because of sexual orientation. As Outlined in Children’s Literature: An Issues Approach by Masha Kabakow Rudman
The Life Cycle: Sexuality Characters should not be punished because they are gay, but societal pressures should be reported with accuracy. The happy ending should not be that the gay person reforms of falls in love with someone of the opposite sex. Although homosexual explorations may be part of heterosexual development, it should not necessarily be that all young people will outgrow it. Sensitive authors communicate a tolerance of those who disagree with them. When too much information is conveyed with words and pictures,this can be threatening to young children. When the emphasis is on mature bodies, the implications can make the intended young audience anxious.
The Life Cycle: Sexuality Stereotypes about interest, capability, and behavior of males and females should be challenged. Illustrations should avoid stereotypes. There should be a range of people of people across ethnic, cultural, economic and age groups. Demeaning humor should be avoided Books that are titillating may send an uncomfortable Lesson. The aim is to make the reader: Comfortable, Responsible, Informed, about his or her sexuality and about sexual activities in general.
Life Cycle: Sexuality
Topic C: LIFE CYCLE DEATH Dealing with Death video clip Booklist on death Impact of parental death on children *Teachers and Schools can aid grieving students Children and grief *Brochures on a variety of losses: death of a sibling, a child etc. SUICIDE Teenage suicide Preventing suicide: A resource for teachers and other school staff Teen Suicide
AGEING AND AGEISM AGEING AND AGEISM Modules Ageism Overcoming ageism through children’s literature