An Overview of Remote Sensing and Image Processing by Miles Logsdon with thanks to Robin Weeks and Frank Westerlund
What is Remote Sensing? zRemote Sensing is a technology for sampling radiation and force fields to acquire and interpret geospatial data to develop information about features, objects, and classes on Earth's land surface, oceans, and atmosphere (and, where applicable, on the exterior's of other bodies in the solar system). zRemote Sensing is detecting and measuring of electromagnetic energy (usually photons) emanating from distant objects made of various materials, so that we can identify and categorize these object by class or type, substance, and spatial distribution.
Land surface from satellite zFour landsat-5 Thematic Mapper multispectral image mosaic displayed in 4,3,2-RGB (false color) zAugust 2nd and 27th, 1998, 10:15a.m. pst. z16 day repeat, 30m
Ocean Color zSeaWiFs classified ocean color image with unclassified land surface displayed 632-RGB zAugust 16th, 1999 zDaily, 1km
Time series One year of daily AVHRR at 1km of the Amazon Basin
Extra Info
Reflected Light
Wavelength (Bands)
Band Combinations 3,2,1 4,3,2 5,4,3
Resolution and Spectral Mixing
Spectral Mixutre
Spectral Signatures
Spectral Profile
Spatial Profile
Spectral profile surface
Spectral Dimensions
3 band space
1d classifier
Unsupervised Classification ISODATA - Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique
ISODATA clusters
Supervised Classification
Parametric classifiers
Classification Systems
Hybrid Classification
Hybrid - “superblocks”
Feature Space
Ground Truth
Classified Product
Working with ERDAS *See Quick Tips DATA: D:/classes/riv2000/kingco/kc_tm98raw.i mg D:/classes/riv2000/kingco/issaquah_quad.img