The National Environmental Remediation Programme in Hungary Laura Lilla Koritár Ministry of Environment and Water Contaminated Sites Bratislava,
The National Environmental Remediation Programme (OKKP) History Regulations Tasks of the OKKP Databases Results of the OKKP Developments in the future EU structural funds
History Realization of the problem: The Short- and Long Term Governmental Action Plan of 1991 Starting point: Governmental Decision No. 2205/1996 (VII.24) adopted the National Environmental Programme Stages of the OKKP: short-term ( ), medium-term ( ), long term ( )
Regulations Act LIII of 1995 on the general rules of environmental protection: fundamental elements of protection The Government Decree No. 219/2004. (VII. 21.) on the protection of groundwater Joint Decree No. 10/2000. (VI.2.) KöM-EüM- FVM-KHVM on limit values established for the protection of groundwater and the geological medium Technical regulations
Tasks of the OKKP The aim of the OKKP is to identify and register the threat and damage of the groundwater and the geological medium; reduce the risk of pollution; facilitate the reduction and elimination of pollution; eliminate the damages of the surface water and the nature.
Tasks of the OKKP General tasks: direction, operation, coordination, legislation, R+D activities, PR, domestic and international relations Countrywide tasks: Environmental Register System of Groundwater and Goelogical Medium (FAVI), the National Remediation Priority List (NKPL), sub-programmes Individual remediation projects – stages: fact-finding, engineering interventions, post- monitoring
Databases FAVI has 3 subsystems: –FAVI-KÁRINFO – the database of contaminated sites –FAVI-ENG – the database of authorised activities –FAVI-MIR – the database of monitoring results NKPL –Ranking registered contaminated sites –Scheduling the remediation projects
Results of OKKP Remedial activities – 134,5 billion HUF from gov. sources FAVI-KÁRINFO – objects –NKPL I – 440 sites –NKPL II – 409 sites –NKPL III – 6 sites
Results of OKKP FAVI-ENG – 9233 clients, objects Publications – 4 handbooks, 7 guides, 10 booklets, 8 informative publications, 6 CD-s – available at
Developments in the future continue collecting data completed with historical research tuning of the method of National Priority List integrated in FAVI-KÁRINFO develop the data content of the databases estabilish a relation between FAVI-KÁRINFO and Property Register
EU Structural Funds Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP) –to promote sustainable development in Hungary –14 tenders to start in this year – of EEOP 37 billion HUF (cca. 148 million EUR) is available Regional Development Operative Programmes - Redevelopment of brownfield areas Further information:
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