Project Description The project basically consists of three main components-Attacker, Defender, and Observer. Our project scenario is the following: A user is using a wireless network service through Access Point, then Attacker will do Attack on the wireless network(user). Observer is monitoring what is on the airwaves and send log file to Defender. Defender will analyze log files from the observer, categorize attack patterns and report to network administrator for wireless network troubleshooting.
An architecture to detect Attackers
Components to achieve protecting attacks Monitoring wireless networking Between attacker and defender Show what happen in the network graphically by using GUI Analyze vulnerabilities of protocols Setup various attack daemons to exploit critical security holes of Analyze log files from the observer Categorize attack patterns by using XML Detect attackers Report “under attack” Attacker(sonjong) Defender(eunyong) Observer(jaemoo)
Features Bare Essentials: Attack program(at least two) networking(Decode captured frames, Filter the captured frames) Attack recognizer GUI Build our own access point on laptop Desired Features: Real-time monitoring Scan all the available channels Monitoring program properly works under all manufactured NIC. Report statistical data(e.g. Graph) Block attacker or hacker GUI Alert under attack Bells and Whistles: Detect more attacking and hacking programs
Schedule 2/7/04 Research vulnerabilities of protocols 2/14/04 Research vulnerabilities of protocols Setup device(Linux and NICs on laptop) 2/21/04 Modify one of NICs to malicious NIC Decode captured frames Design log file format Research vulnerabilities of protocols 2/28/04 Modify one of NICs to a malicious NIC Program to scan all the available channels in the air Decode captured frames Design log file format Research vulnerabilities of protocols 3/5/04 Filter the captured frames Parse log file to extract useful data Research vulnerabilities of protocols
3/12/04 Setup and test attack at home Filter the captured frames Parse log file to extract useful data Research vulnerabilities of protocols 3/19/04 Setup and test attack at home Design GUI Program to analyze log file 3/21/04 Setup and test attack at home Build GUI Report statistical data Program to analyze log file 3/22/04 Prototype demonstration
3/26/04 Troubleshooting Build GUI 3/27 - 4/25 Speed distributions Monitor real-time network utilization Build GUI Program to analyze log file 4/26/04 Final project demonstration