Interview with Dr Judy Kong, Dr Doreen Wu from the Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies and Dr Gail Forey from the Department of English About the new program BA(Hons) in Language Studies for the Professions By Law Ka Yan, PolyU Student Ambassador and Year 3 Student of BA(Hons) in Translation and Chinese April 2005
Ka Yan: What are the characteristics of the new programme, BA(Hons) in Language Studies for the Professions? What are the differences between this new programme and the existing programmes BA(Hons) in Language & Communication, BA(Hons) in Language Studies with Business and BA(Hons) in Translation and Chinese?
Dr Forey: Language Studies for the Professions is an advanced language programme, which combines the characteristics of the 3 existing programmes offered by the Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies and Department of English. This new programme aims to develop students’ ability in using Chinese and English languages in an integrated manner. More choices of electives will be provided and students can choose to concentrate on the subjects they like. The electives include translation, interpretation, communication in corporation, and office communication in Japanese, etc. Students can choose subjects based on their interest and future career plans.
Dr Forey: Students can enjoy a well-balanced language training in Year 1 and choose to study the subjects they like in subsequent years.
Ka Yan: What kind of student is suitable to study this new programme?
Dr Wu: Students who are interested in language, culture and communication are more suitable to study this programme. It does not matter whether they are from the arts, science or commerce streams.
Ka Yan: How does the programme meet the expectations of the market and employers?
Dr Kong: Our new programme has its unique strengths to meet the expectations of the market and employers. Students are trained to use Chinese and English languages in an integrated manner and are also equipped with the necessary communication skills. Since the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) with China took effect in January 2004, there are more and more opportunities for Hong Kong to do business with the Mainland. To meet the needs of China trade, our programme will offer some practical subjects such as Communication in Greater China, Putonghua and Bilingual Workshop. These can help students to better prepare themselves for their future careers.
Dr Forey: Moreover, knowledge in Japanese is a prerequisite of being offered a job in some companies in Hong Kong. Our department provides students with a chance to study Japanese. No doubt, this will increase the competitiveness of our graduates.
Ka Yan: What kind of jobs can the graduates of this new programme take up?
Dr Wu: Graduates of this programme will have a wide range of career choices. Since the students are equipped with advanced language and communication skills, they will be employed in a wide range of fields such as sales and marketing, journalism, media, education and public relations, etc. Some students may choose to further their studies in Hong Kong or overseas.
Ka Yan: Will the department offer exchange, summer placements or supplementary courses to students?
Dr Wu: In order to develop the ability and all roundedness of students, this programme will offer many special opportunities to students such as exchange and summer placements. Students may go on exchange in China (e.g. Shanghai, Beijing) or overseas (e.g. Australia, New Zealand).
Dr Kong: A useful and compulsory module, WIE (Work-integrated Education) is provided to help students gain substantial work experience. The department will arrange a one-month summer internship for students, they may work in Hong Kong, China or overseas. Through this arrangement, students will get familiar with different work environments and can further apply their knowledge in real-life situations. Besides exchange and summer internship, students may have a chance to take summer language courses in China or overseas.
Do you want to be a highly effective multilingual professional communicator? Do you have the ambition to become a professional working in an environment where a knowledge of both Chinese and English, of languages and communication processes, is highly valued? If so, our tailor-made programme, BA (Hons) in Language Studies for the Professions, offers you the opportunity to gain a competitive edge in the world of professional communication. For more information, visit our web site: 你希望自己能貫通語文學理, 成為中英兼擅的語文專才,在各類企業 及管理工作崗位上盡展所長嗎? 本課程 -- 專業中英語文 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士學位課程 -- 特為你而設, 詳情請查 看 :
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