H35Cl, j(0+) intensity ratio analysis and comparison of experimental data agust,www,....Jan11/PPT ak.ppt agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state-2i0111kmak.xls agust,heima,....Jan11/PXP ak.pxp The following holds for W12 = 25 cm-1:
error Agust,heima,....Jan11/PXP ak.pxp; Lay: 0, Gr:0 Least square minimization of I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+) vs J´ (for J´=0-5) with respect to and least sq. error (J=0-5)
least sq. error (J=0-5) Agust,heima,....Jan11/PXP ak.pxp; Lay: 0, Gr:0agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls expCalc.(v´=19-22) v´=19,20,21,22 and sum J´ v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 and sum
Agust,heima,....Jan11/PXP ak.pxp; Lay: 0, Gr:0 &agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls least sq. error (J=0-5) expCalc.(v´=19-22) v´=19,20,21,22 and sum J´
Agust,heima,....Jan11/PXP ak.pxp; Lay: 0, Gr:0agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls least sq. error (J=0-5) expCalc.(v´=19-22) v´=19,20,21,22 and sum J´
1) NB!: contributions from v´ 21 CLEARLY CAN NOT BE IGNORED!!! This analysis assumes W 12 to be constant and independent with v´(ip) and to be the same value as that derived from shift analysis for v´(ip)=21. and are also assumed to be constant and independent with v´(ip) : Thus least square analyses on and (for W 12 = 25 cm -1 ) resulted in W 12 = 25 cm -1 = 2.5 = for j(0 + ) H35Cl The significantly larger value, compared to that observed for other triplet states ( = – 0.004) might be because of a large contribution to the dissocaiation Channels from photodissociation follwed by Cl ionization, i.e. 2hv + HCl ->-> HCl*(j(0 + ),v´=0, J´) HCl*(j(0 + ),v´=0, J´) + hv -> HCl** -> H + Cl* Cl* + hv -> Cl + + e - Analogous analysis now need to be done for H 37 Cl!!!!!
The J’ = 6 peak is problematic for H35Cl since the mass peaks for J’ = 6 and 8 overlap. Hence the experimentally evaluated ion ratio for J’ = 6 will be an underestimated value. Therefore it is acceptable that the calculated ratio is higher. This should not be the problem for H37Cl. Lets try to include v´=18 and 23 interactions:
expCalc.(v´=18-23) v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 and sum W12 = 25 cm-1; = 1.7; = J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls
It is interesting to see that the contribution falls down very slowly as E(J´) increases / v´ “moves further away” from the Rydberg state. But what happens if W 12 changes with v´, say W 12 increases? I tried 1)W 12 = 22,23,24,25,26,27 vs v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 & 2)W 12 = 19,21,23,25,27,29 vs v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 & 3)W 12 = 28,27,26,25,24,23 vs v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 & 4)W 12 = 31,29,27,25,23,21 vs v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 No big change Looking at calculations such as in the previous figure shows that contribution from v´ 21 is close to a constant ( ). Therefore the relevant expression for I(Cl+)/I(HCl+) is Is it perhaps possible to obtain good fit for the parameters and only assuming to be zero?
No that does not seem to be the case. In other words gamma is an important parameter. Looking at: It is clear that c 2 2 is very small and the ratio for v´ 21 is simply: NB! It is interesting to see that similar values are obtained independet of the number of v´(V) contribution: = for v´=20-21 (KM) = for v´= = for v´= THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Effect of is clearly seen below:
W 12 = 25, = 1.7 = 0 = = v´=18,19,20,21,22,23 and sum J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls How can I make the colors in the excel graph to stay unchanged?
W 12 =25, f = 1 Minimize with respect to and => = 2.2, = , least sq. error(J´=0-5) = agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls J´ NB!: As a rough estimate I increased The experimental Ratio value to 0.5 We realy need to analogous test on H37Cl where the peak overlap problem does not exist.
Lets´ compare the calc. sum values for different optimizaed values: Is the graph shape perhaps comparable?: Lets look at plots normalized to the largest peak (i.e. J´=6) See note from : ** least sq.(0-6)(rel) f (in f* * ) f (in f* * ) All same! All same! agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls Fit of I rel (exp) = (I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´;exp))/(I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´ max ;exp)) vs J´ by I rel (calc)= (I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´;calc))/(I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´ max ;calc)) vs J´ NB!: J´ max = 6 All give equally good fit (see figure next slide) ERGO: 1) Use f = 0 (i.e. Neglect f* * ) 2) Use only v´= 20 & 21 and perform fit on I rel (exp) vs J´ by varying only!!! Thus the parameter drops out
agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls Fit of I rel (exp) = (I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´;exp))/(I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´ max ;exp)) vs J´ by I rel (calc)= (I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´;calc))/(I(Cl + )/I(HCl + )(J´ max ;calc)) vs J´ : Relative Intensity ratios J´
Comparison of KM´s and JL´s ion ratios for j(0+), H35Cl: JCl/HCl(KM)(JL; ))JL( ) suitable for low J´ suitable for high J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls
KM JL JL J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls
KM JL JL J´ agust,heima,...Jan11/Evaluation of coupling strength j state kmak.xls