Study of atmospheric wave phenomena in the lower troposphere using WP/RASS M.P. Rao Department of Physics Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
Observation of solitary wave at Visakhapatnam
Gravity wave studies using WP/RASS at Pune Weather-related phenomena that can generate waves include: Fronts Squall lines Convective clouds Geostrophic adjustment of jet streams Flow over mountains
Instruments used for monitoring gravity waves In-situ instruments/sensors Aircraft measurements Radar/imaging systems
WP/RASS at Pune Profiles of three wind components with reasonable time and space resolutions Profiles of temperature delineates the stratification
Budget estimates (3 years) Salaries::::::::4,32,000 Consumables:::::::: 90,000 Travel:::::::: 60,000 Microbarographs with data loggers:: 11,25,000 Temperature & Humidity sensors:: 75,000 PC & Printer:::::::: 55,000 Other costs:::::::: 40,000 TOTAL :::::::: 18,77,000