AI Evaluation F.E.A.R.
How AI is used in F.E.A.R. Controls all enemy unit behaviors and actions Patrolling Attacking Ducking under cover etc. Other NPC units are scripted
AI Techniques NavMesh – an area designated where the AI unit can move. Allows the AI units to move everywhere the player can move. Has a set of flags in certain areas that let the AI know if “special” movement is required/allowed. Ladders, stairs, jumping down from catwalks, ducking for cover, etc. Goal-oriented action planning – Define the goal, then define the actions necessary to accomplish that goal. As the conditions change, the goal and/or the steps to reach the goal change. Player closes a door, the AI unit replans, and decides to kick in the door.
AI Techniques 2 Squad vs. individual goals Squad goals are put ahead of individual goals. AI units act as a team. The units talk to each other, and act based on the information conveyed to them. If other team members have died in a certain area, a flag will be set, and other team members will avoid that area. Squad members will create cover for themselves and for other members of their team.
Strengths/Weaknesses Strengths Fantastically good AI in general. Units are always moving or under cover. The units act together in a squad very well. They will create cover, for themselves and other squadmates, if no cover was there before. If pinned down, the units may fire wildly in hopes of hitting the player. Squads communicate real information to each other, and act on that information. Squads will pin down the player and try to flank him.
Strengths/Weaknesses 2 Weaknesses The AI is too good in some cases. If you can see an enemy unit, they can see you. Very hard to sneak up on an enemy unit. Loading a saved game resets certain AI behavior
AI and Game play For the most part the AI is the game play in F.E.A.R. The AI in F.E.A.R. is amazing. One of the best, if not the best AI in a First Person Shooter yet. The game looks great and the sound is great. The game also succesfully creates the fear/suspense/tension from most survival horror games. But it’s the AI in F.E.A.R. that stands out as the best element of the game.