Primary Particle Makoto Asai (SLAC) Geant4 Tutorial Course Geant4 v8.2p01
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)2 Contents G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction Primary vertex and primary particle Built-in primary particle generators Particle gun Interfaces to HEPEVT and HEPMC General particle source Exotic primary particle
Primary particle generation
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)4 User classes Initialization classes Use G4RunManager::SetUserInitialization() to define. Invoked at the initialization G4VUserDetectorConstruction G4VUserPhysicsList Action classes Use G4RunManager::SetUserAction() to define. Invoked during an event loop G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction G4UserRunAction G4UserEventAction G4UserStackingAction G4UserTrackingAction G4UserSteppingAction main() Geant4 does not provide main(). Note : classes written in yellow are mandatory.
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)5G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction This class is one of mandatory user classes to control the generation of primaries. This class itself should NOT generate primaries but invoke GeneratePrimaryVertex() method of primary generator(s) to make primaries. Constructor Instantiate primary generator(s) Set default values to it(them) GeneratePrimaries() method Randomize particle-by-particle value(s) Set these values to primary generator(s) Never use hard-coded UI commands Invoke GeneratePrimaryVertex() method of primary generator(s)
Primary vertex and primary particle
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)7 Primary vertices and particles Primary vertices and primary particles are stored in G4Event in advance to processing an event. G4PrimaryVertex and G4PrimaryParticle classes These classes don ’ t have any dependency to G4ParticleDefinition nor G4Track. Capability of bookkeeping decay chains Primary particles may not necessarily be particles which can be tracked by Geant4. Geant4 provides some concrete implementations of G4VPrimaryGenerator. G4ParticleGun G4HEPEvtInterface, G4HEPMCInterface G4GeneralParticleSource
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)8 Pre-assigned decay products Physics generator can assign a decay channel for each individual particle separately, while in Geant4 you cannot specify a decay channel for each particle. Decay chain can be “pre-assigned”. A parent particle in the form of G4Track object travels in the detector, bringing “pre-assigned” decay daughters as objects of G4DynamicParticle. When the parent track comes to the decay point, pre-assigned daughters become to secondary tracks, instead of randomly selecting a decay channel defined to the particle type. Decay time of the parent can be pre-assigned as well. D0D0 -- K-K- ++ B-B- G4PrimaryParticle B-B- G4Track D0D0 -- K-K- ++ pre-assigned decay products K-K- ++ D0D0 -- B-B- K-K- ++ D0D0
Built-in primary particle generators
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)10 G4ParticleGun Concrete implementations of G4VPrimaryGenerator A good example for experiment-specific primary generator implementation It shoots one primary particle of a certain energy from a certain point at a certain time to a certain direction. Various set methods are available Intercoms commands are also available for setting initial values One of most frequently asked questions is : I want “ particle shotgun ”, “ particle machinegun ”, etc. Instead of implementing such a fancy weapon, in your implementation of UserPrimaryGeneratorAction, you can Shoot random numbers in arbitrary distribution Use set methods of G4ParticleGun Use G4ParticleGun as many times as you want Use any other primary generators as many times as you want to make overlapping events
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)11G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction void T01PrimaryGeneratorAction:: GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* anEvent) GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* anEvent) { G4ParticleDefinition* particle; G4int i = (int)(5.*G4UniformRand()); G4int i = (int)(5.*G4UniformRand()); switch(i) switch(i) { case 0: particle = positron; break;... } { case 0: particle = positron; break;... } particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(particle); particleGun->SetParticleDefinition(particle); G4double pp = G4double pp = momentum+(G4UniformRand()-0.5)*sigmaMomentum; momentum+(G4UniformRand()-0.5)*sigmaMomentum; G4double mass = particle->GetPDGMass(); G4double mass = particle->GetPDGMass(); G4double Ekin = sqrt(pp*pp+mass*mass)-mass; G4double Ekin = sqrt(pp*pp+mass*mass)-mass; particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Ekin); particleGun->SetParticleEnergy(Ekin); G4double angle = (G4UniformRand()-0.5)*sigmaAngle; G4double angle = (G4UniformRand()-0.5)*sigmaAngle; particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection particleGun->SetParticleMomentumDirection (G4ThreeVector(sin(angle),0.,cos(angle))); (G4ThreeVector(sin(angle),0.,cos(angle))); particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent); particleGun->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent);} You can repeat this for generating more than one primary particles.
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)12 Interfaces to HEPEvt and HepMC Concrete implementations of G4VPrimaryGenerator A good example for experiment-specific primary generator implementation G4HEPEvtInterface Suitable to /HEPEVT/ common block, which many of (FORTRAN) HEP physics generators are compliant to. ASCII file input G4HepMCInterface An interface to HepMC class, which a few new (C++) HEP physics generators are compliant to. ASCII file input or direct linking to a generator through HepMC.
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)13 G4GeneralParticleSource A concrete implementation of G4VPrimaryGenerator Suitable especially to space applications MyPrimaryGeneratorAction:: MyPrimaryGeneratorAction() MyPrimaryGeneratorAction() { generator = new G4GeneralParticleSource; } void MyPrimaryGeneratorAction:: GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* anEvent) GeneratePrimaries(G4Event* anEvent) { generator->GeneratePrimaryVertex(anEvent); } Detailed description
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)14 G4GeneralParticleSource Primary vertex can be randomly chosen on the surface of a certain volume. Momentum direction and kinetic energy of the primary particle can also be randomized. Distribution could be set by UI commands. Capability of event biasing (variance reduction). By enhancing particle type, distribution of vertex point, energy and/or direction Square plane, cosine-law direction, linear energy Spherical surface, isotropic radiation, black-body energy Cylindrical surface, cosine-law radiation, Cosmic diffuse energy Spherical volume with z biasing, isotropic radiation with theta and phi biasing, integral arbitrary point-wise energy distribution with linear interpolation.
Exotic primary particle
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)16 Importing “exotic” particles “Exotic” particle means a type of particle that Geant4 physics processes do not know how to deal with and would never generate as a secondary. It is thus not provided as a class in particle category of Geant4 distribution. E.g. Higgs, W/Z boson, SUSY particle, r-hadron, monopole, black hole, etc. “Exotic” particle also includes a type of particle that should not be seen outside of a hadron. It is used inside Geant4 processes, but it should not be treated as a track. E.g. quark, gluon. Such exotic particle can be imported as a G4PrimaryParticle object. It should have pre-assigned decay products (if it decays), since Geant4 does not know how it decays. There are two kinds of exotic particles from the view point of Geant4. We have to deal them separately. Particles that immediately decay without traveling finite distance. Particles that travel a distance meaningful to Geant4 tracking.
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)17 Exotic particle that decays immediately As a default, Geant4 ignores such exotic particle and takes its pre-assigned decay products as primaries. Anyway, such a particle should not travel through your geometry. In case you want to see it as a primary track (so that it has a unique track ID and it is recorded as a trajectory), use G4UnknownParticle. G4UnknownParticle must be defined in your physics list with G4UnknownDecay process attached. G4UnknownDecay process immediately enforces such particle to decay in its first step naively using pre-assigned decay products. Once G4UnknownParticle is defined in your physics list, G4PrimaryTransformer converts whatever the exotic particle to a G4Track object of Unknown. If you want to limit this conversion to be applied only to some kinds of exotic particle types, create your own PrimaryTransformer to override a method. G4ParticleDefinition* GetDefinition(G4PrimaryParticle*) If non-null pointer is returned, this primary particle is converted into G4Track (or G4DynamicParticle for pre-assigned decay product). If null is returned, its pre-assigned decay daughters will be treated as primaries. Your PrimaryTransformer class must be assigned to G4RunManagerKernel.
Primary Particle - M.Asai (SLAC)18 Exotic particle that travels As a default, Geant4 cannot deal with such a particle. Geant4 does not know what to do. You have to do the followings to import such exotic particle. Implement ParticleDefinition concrete class to represent (a family of) exotic particle(s). Typically one concrete class for each category and each charge state. MyRHadronZero, MyRHadronPlus, etc. BMesonStarPlus, BMesonStarMinus, etc. PDG code in ParticleDefinition object for such exotic particle must be 0, and the mass could be arbitrary value. G4DynamicParticle::GetPDGcode() and G4DynamicParticle::GetMass() will return correct values for each individual track. Assign reasonable processes to it. G4Transportation, G4Decay (don’t use G4UnknownDecay), EM processes, hadronic processes(?) create your own PrimaryTransformer to override a method. G4ParticleDefinition* GetDefinition(G4PrimaryParticle*) By this method, return proper ParticleDefinition object.