Genres of Literature
Genre a type of literature 5 Main Genres: Fiction Nonfiction Poetry Drama Folk Literature
Fiction vs. Nonfiction Fiction: writing that tells about imaginary characters and events (includes characters, setting, plot, and theme) Nonfiction: deals only with real people, events, and ideas (purpose: explain, persuade, inform, or entertain)
Types of Fiction Novels Novellas Short Stories
Types of Nonfiction Biographies Autobiographies Letters Journals and Diaries Essays Speeches Informational Texts (newspaper articles or instructions)
Poetry Poetry: “song of the soul” Features of Poetry: Rhythm Rhyme Imagery Repetition Stanzas Figurative Language
Drama A story written to be performed by actors. Features: -Script -Dialogue -Stage Directions -Acts and Scenes Example: Romeo and Juliet
Folk Literature Began as oral tradition Usually has a universal theme Elements of Fantasy 4 Kinds of Folk Literature: -Folk Tales -Fables -Myths -Legends