WRA 453 Grant & Proposal Writing Fall 2005 Bill Hart-Davidson Session 2: Tardy article & Intro to P1.


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Presentation transcript:

WRA 453 Grant & Proposal Writing Fall 2005 Bill Hart-Davidson Session 2: Tardy article & Intro to P1

“A Genre System View” “ “Connor’s (2000) study hints at this interactive nature of grant funding genres, as she claims that the genre of a grant proposal does not exist in isolation but is part of a system of interacting genres” (pp ). Connor’s statement suggests that grant writers require knowledge of multiple genres spanning a variety of rhetorical contexts and discourse communities. Yet, despite the crucial role of grant genres in the production of knowledge and the complexity of the grant-writing genre system, these interacting genres have yet to be studied.” Tardy, p.2

Tardy & You… “ “Exploration of this [grant proposal] genre system is the focus of this article.” Tardy, p.2 In Project 1, you will conduct your own exploration of the genre system of proposal writing, choosing a site to investigate that will inform your own forays (present or future) into grant writing.

Tardy’s Questions What genres and communities interact to form the genre system of proposal writing for seeking space in… What are the roles and functions of this genre system? What type of knowledge does participation in the text genres and genre system require of grant writers and how do these writers develop such knowledge? You’ll want to modify and add to these to suit your own project

1.Who does Patrick Patterson of (Volunteers of America) VoA communicate with to gain information of what a funding organization likes and who within the VoA has the knowledge of VoA from which Mr. Patterson can accurately present VoA in an acceptable form? 2.How does your approach change with physical distance from the granting/funding agency? 3.What genres and communities interact to form the genre system within a corporation proposing an internal fundraising event for an organization within a community? 4.What genres and strategies are utilized by nonprofit housing agencies in Lansing seeking funding from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority? 5. How would a religious organization find a suitable genre system of proposing to acquire a non- affiliated space in which to hold a youth leadership conference?

What’s a “genre system?” 3 key assumptions for Tardy: Genres are social action; typified responses to recurring situations Genres are used and work together, creating a kind of interactive system Specialized knowledge is required to use genres and to act within genre systems

What’s a “genre system?” 3 key assumptions for Tardy: Genres are social action; typified responses to recurring situations Genres are used and work together, creating a kind of interactive system Specialized knowledge is required to use genres and to act within genre systems

How do you study genres as social action? Tardy used the following methods Interviews with writers Analysis of documents – samples of the various genres used Note that these methods tend to yield a retrospective account of the social action. That is, we see and learn from the results of action or from accounts of action given by the writer.

Seeing action in action I’d like you to add one additional method of inquiry for your project Interviews with writers Analysis of documents – samples of the various genres used Observations of writers doing “proposing”…creating, using, or coordinating genres

What will you watch for? Evidence of… The specialized knowledge required to use genres and act in genre systems. what genres are used? in what sequence? for what purposes? in what situations? what genres are required or optional? what patterns of use lead to success? Individual movesCommunity rules

What you’ll turn in 1.A written report of your genre system investigation, 4-6 pages in length not including any attachments. 2.A 10 minute presentation, for the class, based on your report 3.Process documents: research questions interview questions genre samples observation notes Post process docs to your project page as you go Final report due 10/6; draft for review 9/27 Presentations on 10/6 & 10/11 When?

Tardy: a good guide “ “grant proposals function within a larger system of documents with which writers interact as they navigate through the grant-writing process. Documents such as letters of intent and grant-writing guidelines, as well as face- to-face interactions with program officers, are all interconnected genres within the grant-writing process.” Tardy, p. 11 How should I collect documents? What should I watch for?

For next time Think about your P1 context, we’ll work on a short proposal for P1 in class Think about your P1 context, we’ll work on a short proposal for P1 in class If you already have WWBP read “Intro” and Ch. 1, Ch. 2; we’ll talk about the basic structure of proposals following the model introduced here If you already have WWBP read “Intro” and Ch. 1, Ch. 2; we’ll talk about the basic structure of proposals following the model introduced here Read Knoblauch article for session 3 Read Knoblauch article for session 3