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DENTITion OralCavity BonesMusclesSaliva 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 10 Point 20 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points 30 Points 40 Points 50 Points Tissues
Another name for Primary/Baby dentition
What is Deciduous?
Name the 5 surfaces of a posterior tooth.
What is Mesial, Distal, Occlusal, Buccal and Lingual
The usual eruption time for #3.
What is 6 years?
Name of 5 th cusp of #3
What is Carabelli?
Name of roots of # 5 &12.
What is Buccal and Lingual?
Name of area behind #1 & 16.
What is a tuberosity
Tissue that attaches the lip to the labial mucosa.
What is frenum?
Name of the groove down the center of the tongue.
What is medial sulcus?
Where the circumvallate papilla are found
What is the posterior tongue?
Term for the opening of the mouth into the oral cavity.
What is orafice?
The hardest tissue of teeth
What is enamel?
The tissue that makes up the bulk of a tooth.
What is dentin?
The name of dentin formed after tooth eruption.
What is Secondary?
Name of the cell that forms enamel.
What is an ameloblast?
The tooth tissue that is the most like bone.
What is cementum?
The bones forming the TMJ.
What is Temporal and Mandibular
Name of the bone of the forehead.Answer 2d
What is the Frontal bone?
Location of the Hamulus.
Where is the Sphenoid Bone?
Location of the Glennoid Fossa.
Where is the Temporal Bone?
Term for a boney projection or outgrowth- normal anatomy (ex: zygomatic ____ of the maxilla).
What is a process?
Most powerful muscle of mastication.
What is the Masseter?
The anterior projection of the posterior ramus.
What is the Coronoid Process?
The insertion point for all muscles of mastication.
What is the mandible?
Name of the fluid in the TMJ.
What is Synovial?
The only muscle to open the mouth.
What is the external pterygoid?
The salivary gland near the ear.
What is the Parotid?
Duct to the largest salivary gland.
What is Stenson’s Duct?
The sinus that causes a toothache.
What is the maxillary sinus?
Name the 4 sinuses.
What are Ethmoid, Sphenoid, Maxillary and Frontal?
The enzyme in saliva that digests starch.
What is amylase?
Make your wager
Tooth with 2 pulp canals in the mesial root.
What is mandibular 1 st molar?