Teaching WITH Maps TAAS Analysis “mapped” to TAKS: What are we not doing right? Geography and History: What can we do? Teaching WITH Maps: At least 15 ideas…
TAAS --> TAKS What is the problem?
Geography and History It is impossible…
Geography and History Recreate the geography of the past What was the geographic context? Human and physical characteristics? Transportation routes, access to other places, cultural orientation, links and barriers Human processes: how did people live in their world?
Geography and History How has it changed? How did the geographic context influence and shape events? How did people perceive the world (and its geography) then?
Teaching WITH Maps See the geographic context by teaching with maps And personal accounts, data, pictures, literature and poems, songs, technological artifacts HOW?
Teaching WITH Maps Constantly link what with where And what it is like at that place (human and physical characteristics)
Teaching WITH Maps Use maps of all kinds to teach e.g., battles; election results; where presidents were born; explorer’s routes; growth of US cities over time; expansion of roads; railroads; canals; location of key economic activities; ethnic distribution patterns; religions and migration patterns; physical features; and so on…
Teaching WITH Maps Have students make maps of historical information Story maps, e.g., for study aids Formal thematic maps, e.g., slave vs free states at different periods of time; distribution of colonies by imperial power in 1800, 1850, 1900; 1950 and 2000; largest world cities in 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950, and 2000