Scaling Properties of Delay Tolerant Networks with Correlated Motion Patterns Uichin Lee, Bell Labs/Alcatel-Lucent Soon Y. Oh, Mario Gerla (UCLA) Kang-Won Lee (IBM T.J. Watson Research)
Alcatel-Lucent 2 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Key DTN Metric: Pair-wise Inter-contact Time Key metric for measuring end-to-end delay Pair-wise inter-contact time: interval between two contact points Inter-contact distribution: Exponential : bounded delay, but not realistic? Power-law : may cause infinite delay, but more realistic? T1 T2 T3 Contact points between two nodes: i and j T ic (n): pair-wise inter-contact time time T ic (1) T1 T ic (2) T2 T ic (3) T3
Alcatel-Lucent 3 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Two-phase Inter-contact Time Two-phase distribution: power-law head and exponential tail Levy walk based mobility Lee et al. Infocom’08/09 Inter-contact time CCDF Time (min) Power Law Head Exponential Tail Power Law Head Inter-contact time CCDF Exponential Tail Karagiannis et al., MobiCom’07 Association times w/ AP (UCSD) or cell tower (MIT cell) Direct contact traces: Infocom, cambridge (imotes), MIT-bt Power Law Head Log-log plot Time (days) Log-log plot
Alcatel-Lucent 4 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Two-phase Inter-contact Time Why two-phase distribution? One possible cause: Flight distance of each random trip (within a finite area) [Cai08] The shorter the flight distance, the higher the motion correlation in local area, resulting heavier power-law head Power-law head while in local area vs. exponential tail for future encounters Examples of motion correlation: Manhattan sightseers: In Time Square, sightseers tend to bump into each other; and then depart for other sights Levy flight of human walks [Rhee08]: short flights + occasional long flights Vehicular mobility: constrained by road traffic (+traffic jam) High correlation among vehicles in close proximity After leaving locality, vehicles meet like “ ships in the night ” *Cai08: Han Cai and Do Young Eun, Toward Stochastic Anatomy of Inter-meeting Time Distribution under General Mobility Models, MobiHoc’08 *Rhee08: Injong Rhee, Minsu Shin, Seongik Hong, Kyunghan Lee and Song Chong, On the Levy-walk Nature of Human Mobility, INFOCOM’08 Goal: understanding impacts of correlated motion patterns on throughput/delay/buffer scaling properties Frequent encounters in local area Local area
Alcatel-Lucent 5 | CHANTS’09 | Sept DTN Model: Inter-contact rate + flight distance Inter-contact rate: λ ~ speed (v)*radio range (r) [Groenevelt, Perf’05] Random waypoint/direction (exp inter-contact time) Flight distance (motion correlation): Ranging from radio radius Ω(r) to network width O(1) Invariance property: avg inter-contact time does not depend on the degree of correlation in the mobility patterns [Cai and Eun, Mobihoc’08] 1 1 flight distance = Θ(1) Random direction Random walk 1 1 flight distance = Θ(r)radio range=Θ(r) Varying flight distance
Alcatel-Lucent 6 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Hop Relay: DTN Routing Each source has a random destination (n source-destination pairs) 2-hop relay protocol: 1. Source sends a packet to a relay node 2. Relay node delivers a packet to the corresponding receiver 2-hop Relay by Grossglauser and Tse Source Relay Destination Source to Relay Relay to Dest
Alcatel-Lucent 7 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Hop Relay: Throughput Analysis Intuition: avg throughput is determined by aggregate meeting rate (src relay and relay dest) Two-hop relay per node throughput : Θ(nλ) Aggregate meeting rate at a destination: nλ Grossglauser and Tse’s results: Θ(nλ)=Θ(1) when λ = 1/n (i.e., speed 1/√n, radio range 1/√n) Motion correlation (w/ flight len [O(r),O(1)]) still preserves meeting rate Source to RelayRelay to Destination Source Destination Food (=source) Ants (=relays)
Alcatel-Lucent 8 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Hop Relay: Delay Analysis Source to relay node (D sr ), and then relay to dest (D rd ) D sr = avg. inter-any-contact time to a random relay D rd = avg. residual inter-contact time (relay dest) Mean residual inter-contact time (D rd ) = E[T 2 ] / 2E[T] >> T is a random variable for inter-contact time Random Direction (RD): E[T 2 ] = O(1/λ 2 ) D rd =O(1/λ) Random Walk (RW): E[T 2 ] = O(logn*1/λ 2 ) D rd =O(logn/λ) Average 2-Hop Delay: D(n) = [O(1/λ), O(logn/λ)] As flight distance increases, average delay decreases monotonically Inspection paradox (length bias): source tends to sample a longer inter-contact interval between relay and dest nodes Time Src Relay Inter-contact history: Relay Dest Source Relay Destination Source to Relay Relay to Dest
Alcatel-Lucent 9 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Hop Relay: Buffer Requirement Little’s law: buffer = (rate) x (delay) Required buffer space per node: B = [Θ(n), Θ(nlogn)] Rate*delay = Θ(nλ)* [1/λ, logn/λ] = [Θ(n), Θ(nlogn)] Recall: random direction (1/λ) and random walk (logn/λ) Motion correlation requires more buffer space Correlation increases burstiness of relay traffic Impact of limited buffer space on throughput Limited buffer of Θ(K) at each relay node is fairly shared by all sources Relay node carries a packet to a certain dest with prob. K/B Throughput per source = Θ(nλ*K/B) Delay: [Θ(1/λ), Θ(logn/λ)] S1 S2 R Θ(n) srcs Relay S3 D1 D2 D3 Θ(n) dests Rate: Θ(nλ)
Alcatel-Lucent 10 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Simulation: Throughput Degree of correlation via average flight distance L L=250m high correlation power law head + exponential tail L=1000m low correlation almost exponential Throughput is independent of the degree of correlations Average throughput per node as a function of # nodes Throughput per node (kbps) 5000m*5000m area # of nodes <=100 Radio range = 250m w/ 2Mbps CCDF of inter-contact time (20m/s) L=250m log-linear L=1000m L=250m Exp Inter-contact time CCDF Log-log
Alcatel-Lucent 11 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Simulation: Inter-any-contact Time Inter-any(k)-contact time: inter-contact time to any of k nodes Invariance property: avg inter-contact time is independent of correlation Residual inter-contact time: source probes a random point of the inter- meeting times between relay and destination Average Inter-contact time Average residual inter-contact time 20m/s 30m/s 20m/s L=250m 20m/s L=1000m 30m/s L=250m 30m/s L=1000m Number of relay nodes (k)
Alcatel-Lucent 12 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Simulation: Buffer Utilization Burstiness of relay traffic increases with the degree of correlation SSDDDSSD N=3 N=2 Relay node’s contact history Time # consecutive encounters (N) S Source D Destination N=2 Cumulative dist of # consecutive encounters L=250 L=1000 Number of consecutive encounters (N) P(N<=X)
Alcatel-Lucent 13 | CHANTS’09 | Sept Conclusion Impact of correlated motion patterns on DTN scaling properties DTN model: inter-contact rate + motion correlation via flight distance Flight distance of Ω(r); i.e., min travel distance ~ one ’ s radio range Considered mobility ranges from Random Walk to Random Direction Main results: Throughput is independent of motion correlation Delay monotonically increases with the degree of correlation Buffer requirement also increases with the degree of correlation Correlation increases burstiness of relay traffic Future work: Applying results to DTN multicast scenarios Scaling properties of inter-domain DTN scenarios