Union College Commencement 2009 There are 3 plans for commencement based upon weather considerations. This is the Fair Weather Plan. See other links on this site for plans dealing with other weather conditions.
Pipers and Students report to Terrace Lane in front of South College and Silliman Hall. Marshals will distribute SEATING CARDS. Students will be assembled in alphabetic order. Faculty report to the Yulman Theater. Platform Party assembles in Old Chapel. Union College Commencement 2009 This is the Fair Weather Plan.
Example Seating Card As graduates arrive at Terrace Lane in front of South College and Silliman Hall they should go to the appropriate signpost (see the next two slides) and ask a Faculty Marshal for a seating card. After receiving their card each graduate should find his/her place in line using the line number. A seating card is shown at the right. Your Name Here You must keep this card with you This is used to form the line of march. Find your place in line by using this number. This lists your degree This is where you will be seated If weather moves the ceremony to Achilles Center you will not march. As you enter marshals will direct you to your row and seat.
1. Commencement Sign Placement for lining up Graduates. Signposts will be placed on the grass along Terrace Lane with the signs facing north. Faculty Marshals will be handing out seating cards at these locations
Sample Commencement Signs Pick up a SEATING CARD from a Faculty Marshal at the sign indicating where your name falls within the posted alphabetic range.
Events for Line of March Pipers Students 9:00 to 9:25 am 1. Pipers assemble near Old Blue Gate 2. Students line up along both sides of the lane according to the information on their seating cards.
Events for Line of March Pipers Students 9:25 am 3. Pipers will play and pass through the two student lines 4.Line of march will continue across Library Lawn. 5.Weather permitting the Steinmetz Car will follow the Pipers.
The Faculty has assembled in the Yulman Theater and line up in front of North College. The Platform Party has assembled in Old Chapel. When the Pipers and Students leave South College, the Student and Faculty lines will perform a “pass through” as shown in the next few slides. They will recombine lines in the Nott Memorial. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 9:30 am 6.The Steinmetz Car turns to proceed to Old Chapel. 7.The Pipers lead the Students across Library Lawn. 8.The Faculty are waiting in front of North College. 9.The Platform Party waits at Old Chapel.
9:35 am 10.The Student lines stop and separate as the Pipers reverse direction and lead the Faculty back through the students. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
9:35 am 11.When the end of the Faculty line clears the students, the Students lead by the Union Flag will turn right and move along North Lane. 12.Meanwhile the Pipers turn left and move along South Lane. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 9:40 am 13.The Student lines continue on North Lane and turn toward the Nott Memorial. 14.The Pipers and the Faculty do the same on South Lane as the Platform Party joins the Faculty as they pass Old Chapel.
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 9:45 am 15.The Pipers will turn right at the Nott Memorial and proceed to the front of the stairs. 16.The Students will enter the North entrance as the Faculty enter the South. 17.The student line will stop to allow the Faculty and the Platform Party to go first.
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 9:50 am 18.After the Faculty and the Platform Party pass through the Nott Memorial they join the Pipers and continue on to the Library and the colonnades to be seated. 19.Students enter the Nott Memorial and follow out to Library Plaza.
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 9:55 am 20.Pipers stay and play as Faculty and Platform Party take their seats and the Students file into theirs.
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 10:05 am 21.Everyone is seated and the Pipers file out.
Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party 22. In 2006 after the graduates were seated, this is how it looked from the Nott Memorial.
Events after the Commencement Ceremony Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
23.Pipers return to lead the recession from Library Plaza. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
24.Pipers return to lead the Platform Party and Faculty toward the Nott Memorial. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
25. Pipers will walk around the Nott Memorial as they play. 26.The Platform Party and Faculty, followed by the Students will exit through the Nott Memorial where they will rejoin the Pipers. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party
27.The Platform Party will remain at the Nott Memorial. 28.The Pipers assembled at West Entrance will lead the line across Library Lawn. Faculty will line up to allow all the graduates to pass through. 29.The Pipers will continue to the flagpole as the graduates exit the Nott. Events for Line of March Pipers All Students Faculty Platform Party