THE ARMY CADET LEAGUE OF CANADA National Office Activities Presented at Pillars 2011
IMPORTANT INFORMATION It is important to note that while the Pillars conference is happening in Vernon, the National AGM is also taking place in Ottawa. During this meeting, a new National Board of Governors and National Council will be elected. This information will be posted on the website following these meetings. Many of the points you will be reading about today will be approved or updated according to the outcomes of the meeting. You will be able to view further information on the website at
THE STRATEGIC PLAN The National Office is committed to provide guidance to the 13 Branches in Canada in order to do so, it has established 4 main Objectives: Strategic Plan Objectives: To grow enrollment in the Army Cadet Movement ; Focus on Retention more than Recruiting (Using the “3 Cs”: Community, Cadets, Corps) Develop and support age friendly recruiting material Maximize support to the Cadet Population Growth Initiative (CPGI) To attract new Cadet Instructors, Volunteers, & League Members; Ini tiate steps to attract men and women of stature Develop simple and effective Training & Orientation Tools for members ***Note: The Strategic plan is pending approval at the 2011 AGM in Ottawa, April 30 th. Continued…
THE STRATEGIC PLAN Strategic Plan Objectives: To increase fund and friend raising activity; Energize Cadet Corps Sponsors and Fund Raising activity Develop a “Constituency” to support the Army Cadet Movement Seize every opportunity to spread the good word locally, at the provincial/territorial level and nationally. To represent the interests of all non-military members of the ACM. Develop direct access to local business leaders and politicians Raise grass roots concerns with the Director Cadets and JCR You may view further details on this document at ***Note: The Strategic plan is pending approval at the 2011 AGM in Ottawa, April 30 th. …Continued
UNIVERSAL MEMBERSHIP In 2010 the National Office revised its policy concerning memberships. During the Annual General Meeting 2009, there was a consensus that there should be a single national membership in The Army Cadet League of Canada (ACLC). This form of universal membership would empower the National President and the Executive Committee to credibly represent the League’s national interests across Canada. The ACLC could then tap into a broader pool of membership and strengthen the foundations and overall leadership of the organization MEMBERSHIP DUES (if applicable) Members remit membership dues to the National Office or to the provincial or territorial Branch where their membership is registered in accordance to the constitution or By-Laws in force at the Branch or the National Office as appropriate. Dues paid to a Branch shall be retained by that Branch.
EXPEDITIONS The Army Cadet National Expedition will take place in Churchill Manitoba Form June 4 th to 18 th, 2011, organized by RCSU (Pra) The International Army Cadet Expedition will be in Alaska from the 28 th of August to September 6 th, It will be organized by RCSU (N) For both expeditions the Army Cadet League of Canada will begin a fundraising campaign (mid-may) to raise funds to provide the cadets equipment that is not funded by DND such as hiking boots and other items that might be required. The National Office will also continue to send letters to the MP`s and Mayors of the communities where the cadets originate. These letters are intend to raise awareness and interest towards the Army Cadet Program. Similar letters are also forwarded to the Governor General, Prime Minister and to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. In 2010 the National Office established a great relationship with the Alpine Club of Canada (ACC) in support of these activities. The ACC printed 2 articles in their National Newsletter, The Gazette about the Expeditions in The Gazette is distributed to over 10, 000 members across Canada. This will continue in 2011.
INSURANCE The National Office will continue to provide insurance coverage A new format of the Insurance certificate request form will be available with the launch of the new National Website. We require that forms be submitted (as much as possible) within 10 days or earlier from the date of the planned activity. Once submitted an electronic copy of the certificate is sent to all parties involved within 48 to 72hrs (it is important to include all addresses) If there are any discrepancies the Insurance company (AON Hewitt) will contact the requestor directly for the missing information. Copies of the original request and the prepared certificate are also sent to the National Office for their records. If the activity planned requires a generic Insurance certificate, you may contact your League Branch office for a copy. These are often required for training facilities or simply as proof that the group has insurance coverage. More information on Insurance coverage can be found on the BC League or the National Websites.
VOLUNTEER SCREENING The National Office continues to produce the Volunteer ID cards to all volunteers working at the cadet corps. It is essential that the applications are completed in full and issued to the Volunteer Screening Coordinator in BC, Bonnie Banman. The National Office will NOT issue cards until the application is complete. In order for this service to be as effective and quick as possible volunteers should submit an electronic version of their photo for the ID card. This does NOT have to be a passport photo. A simple shot, taken with a digital camera, with a white or plain background is sufficient. Please provide us these photos in the highest resolution possible, this will prevent distortion or poor quality (grainy look) of the photo on the card. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks to receive the cards at your cadet corps, from the time you submitted the forms to the provincial coordinators.
VIMY The Commemoration of the Battle of Vimy Ridge was a HUGE success across Canada. Thank you to those who have participated and helped in it’s success. This will be annual event. We encourage more corps to participate in the future. You may visit the Royal Canadian Army Cadet Vimy Commemoration Events page on Facebook to view photos and the media coverage of various events that occurred across the country. More information about the Commemoration project can be viewed on the National Website. Ads for this event were also included in 3 issues of the Esprit de Corps – Canadian Military magazine.
VIMY Continued… Corps advertising poster were created to promote this activity with to the corps. Copies of this poster will be sent to all corps across Canada towards the end of the year
THE NEW NATIONAL WEBSITE The National Office is launching it’s new Website this weekend. The site will also feature a link to Twitter. We encourage you to become a follower. We will tweet announcements and short messages to you on League matters such as Award application deadlines. A FLIKR account as also been set up. Please send us any cadet or cadet event photos you would like to share. We would be happy to post them.
ADVERTISING In 2010/2011 the National Office has developed a tri-element advertising campaign with the Canadian Guidance Counsellor’s Magazine. This publication in distribute to over 3000 school guidance counsellors across Canada. This campaign was intended to promote the Cadet program as a whole maximizing on the educational and children’s developmental benefits the program can provide In the next issue, scheduled to be released next month, the magazine will have a feature editorial on the Cadet Program
RECRUITMENT POSTERS The National Office is still providing individual corps the opportunity to have customized recruiting posters designed and printed. If you wish that the Nat’l Off. Design these posters we will require that you provide six to a dozen high resolution photos (1MB or more) along with the text you wish to have printed. We will commit to printing 50 copies of the poster, free of charge on a high quality, glossy, 11x17 paper. Additional copies will be at an small additional charge. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for production time.
ON-TARGET The magazine will continue to be published twice yearly in July and at year-end. With the on-line Xperience magazine launching this year with a focus on cadets, On-Target will target articles on League accomplishments and issues such as Awards, interactive and helpful article on the relationships between the League, parents committees and the corps CO`s as examples. Your participation to the development of this national newsletter is welcome.
THE BISLEY SHOOTING COMPETITION This year the is the 100 th year that a Canadian contingent of Army cadets competed at the shooting competition in Bisley, UK. The National Office will celebrate this event by preparing a souvenir coin for the Athelings and will unveil a special statue that will be presented at CSTC in Connaught this summer. An identical statue was presented in Bisley last year.
VOLUNTEER TOOLBOX The National Office is still committed to produce a Toolbox for our volunteers who work at the local cadet corps. This will feature various helpful items and ideas on volunteer duties and other activities such as fundraising events etc. This will be made possible with the help of two volunteers who have committed to developing this tool. Again, we welcome your input on successful fundraising events and or other activities that are beneficial to the corps`s operation.
THANK YOU We would like to thank you, the volunteers for your time and dedication towards The Army Cadet League of Canada but furthermore to the Army Cadets of Canada If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact our office: or Terry Whitty, Executive Director Jennifer Golden, Executive Assistant, Maxime Corneau, Communications Officer