Project 1 Frog Gels: Analysis of Skin John Donich Claudia Morales Kevin Berry
Project description §Goal: to describe the set of proteins in 7.5% gels and 12 % gels… §Are males differentiable from females…? §Are individuals differentiable?
An ideal model… §There is little variation between frogs of the same sex §There’s a distinct diference in the set between sexes §A protein that shows in only one of the sexes
Method §Measured relative mobility of protien bands §Plotted standards’ relative mobility vs. Log Molecular Weight §Chose a model and fit the data §Looked for patterns within individuals and between sexes
Choosing models §Linear Model for 7.5% gels… l Only 3 Degrees of Freedom (5 Standards) l Linear Model had smallest confidence interval §Cubic Model for 12% gels… l 5 Degrees of Freedom (7 Standards) l Cubic and Linear models had similar confidence intervals, but R 2 -adj better for cubic (99% vs 96%)
Conclusions § The variation among individuals is present §The sex of a frog cannot be determined by protein gel analysis §There is no single protein that distinguishes sexes