Team 6: Experimental Handwriting System Allen Alarcon Ingrid Anderson Bhupesh Kapoor Shi-wu Lee
Objectives of Study: Validate individuality of handwriting Is there a difference among the abilities of Certified Document Examiners, Novices, and Machine? Create a tool to help answer question
Processes Used to Carry out Study Online Quiz: –a. Collect original and forgery handwriting samples. –b. Create database for storage of samples. –c. Create Online Quiz Distribute Quiz: –a. Novices –b. Certified Document Examiners. –c. Machine (not carried out)
Validity of our Study Comments by Certified Document Examiners: –Sample collection must be collected under same conditions. –Digitized images are “pixilated” and lack sufficient clarity. –Limited by one word, need writing in a larger context. –Divergence in Writing: how much does a writer diverge from stroke to stroke. –Computer images are becoming more prevalent in examinations
Statistics: Novices
Statistics: Experts
Results / Conclusions Comparison of Data Sets for Novice and Experts. –Relative difficulty in forging certain handwriting styles. –Preliminary results reveal that novices and experts utilize different parameters in making selections. –Dr. Moshe Kam from Drexel University confirmed that lay people are more likely than legitimate examiners at misidentifying writers. –To what extent does a computerized image restrict an examiner’s ability to make an identification?
Snapshot of Online Quiz 1
Snapshot of Online Quiz 2
System Architecture Front-end portal Web Graphical User Interface- interface for accepting surveys from participants.
Back-end portal Customed Database - stores results/comments from participants