1 Enterprise Ireland Innovation, Research Commercialisation (IRC) Commercialisation Workshop – Ideas to Industry
2 Enterprise Ireland Enterprise Ireland’s Mission To accelerate the development of world-class Irish companies to achieve strong positions in global markets, resulting in increased national and regional prosperity Irish state development agency focused on accelerating the development of world-class Irish companies.
3 Enterprise Ireland Lead Innovate Grow Applied Research Commercialisation Business Unit – Effective Commercialisation of Research
4 Irish Owned Enterprise Policy Analysis and Advice Inward Investment Industrial Development in Ireland
5 Applied Research & Commercialisation Third Level Sector Industry R&D Supports + ARC Commercialisation is the innovative use of Intellectual Property and know-how to provide products and services through licensing deals and the formation of spin-out companies
6 EI & Third Level Institutes Over €150M investment in Innovation, Research Commercialisation over the past 5 years 25+ research institutes engaged in ARC services 250+ Principal Investigators linked into schemes
7 What Enterprise Ireland has achieved Within the last 5 years we’ve assisted the licensing of IP from academic institutes to industries There has been over 25 start up companies formed from EI supports Many of our academics have been nominated for Commercialisation awards/ entrepreneur recognition Some of the notable results are ….
8 Start up & licenses achieved
9 Exploiting synergy between science and business Access to new income streams (Researcher & Institute) Seeing practical outcomes to your research Opportunities to improve quality of life Further understanding of the discipline Recognition/reputation for you and your research establishment Career progression Successful innovation Access to expertise within EI to progress and support your product development Why?
10 Programs & Supports from EI (idea to industry) I D E A RESEARCH Proof of Concept DEVELOPMENT Technology Development Industrial Led Research Programs Innovation Partnerships MARKET PLACE Commercialisation Plus Commercialisation of Research & Development Patent Fund Patent FundPatent Fund N D U S T R Y = ARC Financial Supports = ARC Non Financial Supports I D E A RESEARCH Proof of Concept DEVELOPMENT Technology Development Industrial Led Research Programs Innovation Partnerships MARKET PLACE Commercialisation Plus CORD Patent Fund Market/ Competitive analysis Building Networks Intellectual property strategy Incubator Space I Market/ Competitive analysis Building Networks Intellectual property strategy Incubator Space N D U S T R Y Industry/third level Linkages Technology Licensing Business/Team Development Product Definition Industry/third level Linkages Technology Licensing Business/Team Development Product Definition = Patent Fund
11 Enterprise Ireland Academic Support Programs ProgramTypical scopeApplication process Proof of Concept 12 mths €90K approx Open call to academics, 3 times per year Technology Development 36 mths €400K approx Open call to academics, 3 times per year Commercialisation Plus 12 mths, €100K approx Invitation only Business Dev. CoRD 12 months, 50% funding allowed to a value of €38K. On-going application Innovation Partnerships 12 months, 55% funding allowed to a value of €200K.* Academics apply with agreement of company. Patent Fund Stage one €7K*, Stage two €20K*, Stage three €50K* On-going application available for academics Innovation Vouchers €5K Industry apply to work with an Institute.
12 Typical EI Commercialisation Program Application Process Discussion with your ILO/TTO and EI representative Preparation work on Research Idea & Commercial potential at Institute 3 calls for Applications annually Evaluators (Commercial & Technical) assess application then a Commercialisation Fund Review Panel Application is rated based on Research-Innovation / Project Plan / Commercial opportunities WHAT DO YOU HAVE (PRODUCT/SERVICE) WHO WOULD WANT IT & WHY? CHECK OUT NEW FORMS! Tip! GET SOME INDEPENDENT PERSONNEL TO READ YOUR APPLICATION IN ADVANCE
13 Training for Innovation… Enterprise Start Programs… Jan 18th 2008 DIT, Aungier Street, Dublin 2 Feb 1st 2008 IT Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 Apr 4th 2008 IT, Tallaght, Dublin 24 May 10th 2008 DBIC, Guinness Enterprise Centre Dublin 2 Variety of programs EI supported throughout Ireland!
14 How to get your ideas to the market…. Call for both Proof of Concept and Commercialisation applications as follows: o 16 th January 2008 o 14th May 2008 o 17 th September 2008 o Application forms: Talk with your EI +/ TTO rep Enterprise Start Program – enrol Attend trade show (not the same as academic conferences!) Network – talk to companies to explore ideas (don’t divulge IP) Innovation Vouchers