Managing my research degree John Kirby Graduate School Faculty of Medical Sciences
Managing my research degree John Kirby Graduate School Faculty of Medical Sciences Managing my supervisor(s)!
What shall I do first? First meeting with your supervisor(s) –Need to complete a form detailing your Research proposal (what you will do) Research plan (timeline) This may need to be approved by your assessors –The learning agreement More in a minute –Remember, this is not your last meeting!
Formal meetings What is a ‘formal’ meeting? –You pass your supervisor in the corridor and (s)he says ‘is everything OK’ –You politely answer ‘Yes’
Formal meetings - 1 Formal meetings are the most vital part of your project Frequency –Often more common at the start than at the end of your project –In this Faculty should not be more than two months apart –You can initiate meetings make an appointment (perhaps even book a quiet room – no phone) Invite all appropriate members of supervisory team
Formal meetings - 2 What happens at the meeting? –You take all your results and interesting papers and discuss these in detail Make plans Discuss problems Ensure the project is more than a series of small experiments –Your thesis will ultimately tell a story
Formal meetings - 3 During the meeting –Make notes After the meeting –You write minutes of the meeting with lists of what was agreed (can be done on-line in your e-portfolio) –Circulate these to all supervisors for additional comment –Bring the minutes to the next meeting Next meeting –Don’t worry if your experiments didn’t go as planned!
The learning agreement Complete at the time of your first formal meeting This document defines –What you can expect of us –What we can expect of you The ‘us’ and ‘you’ should blur at this level as we all share an enthusiasm for research
Managing your supervisor Be organised Be honest (don’t try to disguise failure) Discuss any difficulties Show your enthusiasm Don’t be surprised when you start to know more than your supervisor Meet deadlines Don’t ignore advice
What am I doing here? Preparing a thesis! Candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are expected to conduct original investigations, to test ideas, whether their own or others, and to understand the relationship of their work and its themes to a wider field of knowledge. A doctoral thesis should be a piece of work which a capable, well qualified and diligent student who is properly supported and supervised can produce in 3-years of full-time study. It should exhibit substantial evidence of original scholarship and contain material worthy of publication.
Planning your work Long-term plans –To complete my higher degree and earn some money! Medium-term –By the end of the year I will have done … Short-term –Before the next formal meeting I will ….. Immediate plan –By the end of the week I will … –Today I will...
Keep a diary Don’t set up something and leave it to ‘cook’ for three days whilst doing nothing else –‘Dovetail’ your work together to optimise time Don’t set us a 24 hour experiment on Friday if you are not planning to be in over the weekend! –But do set up a 72 hour experiment on Friday to complete the following Monday (if its not a bank holiday!)
Work-life balance Research degrees in the UK are completed more quickly than almost anywhere else in the world (but have equivalent status) You must work pretty hard! –Try to adopt a basic 9 to 5 day –Be prepared to work late and during weekends –When out of hours, adopt appropriate safety procedures Take no more than 6 weeks holiday per year
Your notebooks Hard back with numbered pages Enter the date Complete as you are working –Do not need to be spotless or neat –Enter raw data, observations and calculations –Detail all problems and errors (be honest – we’re all human!) Your assessors will ask to see these Your examiner might also ask to see them!
Research governance You may have read of ‘scientific fraud’ We must manage our raw data to provide evidence in the case of disputed findings Do not erase text of cut pages from your lab book Use pen (rather than pencil) Remember lab books also protect us (you) if you discover anything that can be patented!
Plagiarism – what is this?
Please try this program!
Use of computers Backup regularly Loss of results due to theft, disk failure, virus infection etc etc is not considered a viable excuse for delayed completion of your project
Literature references Read around your subject (don’t simply print copies of papers) Not all journals are equal Your examiners will test your knowledge of current related science Use a reliable reference database –Training will be given (Endnote) Useful to have an ideas book –Make notes of good ideas as you have them
Write up as you go Not always possible, but: –Always prepare high quality graphics output when you derive the data this takes time when you are writing your thesis – good if you can simply cut and paste figures into your thesis If a figure isn’t good enough for presentation have another go – don’t assume you will return to the problem later –Write up methods as you develop them –Make notes when you read good papers don’t assume you will remember everything
If you have a(ny) problem Seek help as soon as you can –Supervisors want your project to succeed as much as you do! –Postgraduate tutors –Assessors –Me through the Graduate School or directly telephone –The Dean, Prof Barry Hirst (through the Graduate School)