A Successful Chinese Language Learner Aurélie 劉雯君 Winifred Liu 郭子蓮 Hermosa Kuo 陳琬洵 Cindy Chen 鄭伊吟 Kate Cheng 陳雍蓁 Aggie Chen
Group members and Aurélie
Aurélie’s Introduction
Introduction Who did we interview? Auréli, a 25 years old exchange student from France Why did we choose her? We were curious about why she could acquire Chinese successfully.
Data Collection Questionnaires Face-to-Face Interview Take Pictures
Aurélie’s Text Book
Results No Particular Dominance on Brain Extroverted Field-Dependent Learner
Personalities Intelligence Aptitude Motivation Attitudes
Age of Acquisition Accent Her Chinese Textbooks (four-word idioms)
Skinner’s Behaviorism Imitation: By the sounds from tapes or native speakers Practice :Practice By writing Chinese characters many times Reinforcement : Taiwan’s environment pushes her to use Chinese Habit formation By spending 3-4 hours learning Chinese every day
Krashen’s Monitor Model The Monitor Hypothesis The Natural Order Hypothesis The Input Hypothesis The Affective Filter Hypothesis
Information Processing Noticing Words Restructuring Speaking Skill
ZPD (zone of proximal development) When she was in France: seldom interact with people When she is in Taiwan: always speak Chinese
Interactionism Piaget: Physical Interaction to touch to observe to manipulate Long: Modified Interaction off class in class
Q & A
Thank You Merci Beaucoup
Aurélie’s Chinese name