Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice (short course)
Students need to be prepared through their mathematics education to investigate and critique injustice, and to challenge, in words and actions, oppressive structures and acts— that is, to “read and write the world” with mathematics.
“Before [liberation], we did not know that we knew. Now we know that we knew. Because we today know that we knew, we can know even more”
Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice Social Justice Pedagogical Goals Develop sociopolitical consciousness— read the world with mathematics Develop sense of social agency— write the world with mathematics Develop positive cultural/social identities
Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice Mathematics Pedagogical Goals Develop mathematical power Succeed academically in the traditional sense Change orientations toward mathematics
Questions to Consider What is the purpose of the course? What do we expect from the course? What does one need to know to teach the course? Readings??
Questions to Consider Logistic questions… When? Where? How? When will students do homework?
Key Dialectics Advocate positions while providing space for students “I have never begun from the authoritarian conviction that I have a truth to impose, the indisputable truth. On the other hand, I have never said, or even suggested, that not having a truth to impose implies that you don’t have anything to propose, no ideas to put forward. If we have nothing to put forward, or if we simply refuse to do it, we really have nothing to do with the practice of education….Educators cannot refrain from putting forward ideas, nor can they refrain either from engaging in discussion with their students on the ideas they have put forward. Basically, this has to do with the near mystery of the praxis of educators who live out their democratic insights: they must affirm themselves without thereby disaffirming their students. ”
Key Dialectics Problematize students’ views while providing sufficient context Learn mathematics while learn social justice
Pedagogical Practices Support Social Justice Normalizing politically taboo topics Going beyond the mathematics Developing political relationships with students