Priority I : A National Cyberspace Security Response System 第一要務:國家網路安全回應系統 資管研一張永昌
1950~1960s : –Attack from : aircraft (飛機)、 missiles (飛彈) –Responded by creating a national system to : monitor our airspace with radar to detect unusual activity, analyze and warn of possible attacks, coordinate our fighter aircraft defenses during an attack, and restore our Nation after an attack through civil defense programs.
Today : –Attack : cyberspace (網際空間) –Response System :? –Information attack : worms (蠕蟲)、 viruses (病毒)、 denial-of-service attacks (阻斷服務攻擊)
DHS is responsible for developing the national cyberspace security response system, which includes: –Providing crisis management support in response to threats to, or attacks on, critical information systems. –Coordinating with other agencies of the federal government to provide specific warning information, and advice about appropriate protective measures and countermeasures, to state and local government agencies and authorities, the private sector, other entities, and the public. DHS 負責發展國家網際空間的安全回應系統, 這個系統 包含了: – 當受到威脅或攻擊的資訊系統上提供危機管理支援。 – 協調聯邦政府之中其他的機關,特別是對州政府和地方政府的政 府機關、民間組織和一般大眾,對於適當的防護測量值和對策提 供特定的警告資訊和忠告。
DHS ( Department of Homeland Security 國土安全 部門) DHS will lead and synchronize efforts for the National Cyberspace Security Response System as part of its overall information sharing and crisis coordination mandate; however, the system itself will consist of many organizations from both government and private sectors. DHS 是國土安全部門的縮寫 DHS 將帶領並使國家網際空間的安全回應系統的 成效能夠同時發生,而這是整個資訊分享和危機協 調程序的一部份; 然而, 這個系統本身將會是由 許多的公家機關和民間組織所組成的。
Establishing the National Cyberspace Security Response System will not require an expensive or bureaucratic federal program. many cases the system will augment the capabilities of several important federal entities with existing cyberspace security responsibilities 建立國家的網際空間安全回應系統將不需要昂貴或 官僚的聯邦行政程序。在許多案例中, 這個系統將 會擴大多個重要的聯邦機構對於現行網路安全應付 與處理的能力, 這些機構目前皆屬於 DHS 的一部 份。
ISACs(Information Sharing and Analysis Centers 資訊分享分析中心 ) ISACs will play an increasingly important role in the National Cyberspace Security Response System and the overall missions of homeland security. ISACs possess unique operational insight into their industries’ core functions and will help provide the necessary analysis to support national efforts. ISACs 在國家網際安全回應系統 (NCSRS) 中將扮 演越來越重要的角色並扛起捍衛國土安全的所有任 務, ISACs 將深入產業的核心功能, 在產業中擁有 獨特作業上的遠景, 並將提供必要的分析來支援國 家的需求。