University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Integrating Systems and Software Engineering: Complex Systems Workshop 29 October 2007
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE2 IS&SE Workshop Objectives: Identify Biggest issues and opportunities? –In technology –In management –In complex systems Inhibitors to progress and how to overcome them? Ability of six principles to improve IS&SE? Ability of Incremental Commitment Model to improve IS&SE? What else is needed? –Technology/management research –Education and training –Regulations, specifications and standards –Other?
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE3 Attendees John Rieff Tom Schroeder Kirstie Bellman Bruce Amato Bruce Kassan Barry Boehm Lee Whitt Darrell Maxwell Steven Wong Ali Nikolai Cynthia Nikoai Jo Ann Lane
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE4 The Need for Three Different Conversations 1.What does SE mean for large, complex software- intensive systems 2.What does SE/SWE integration mean when adding embedded systems, devices, hardware, networks 3.How are we going to deal with SE/SWE of more complex emergent systems of the future (later )
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE5 Biggest Issues Lack of understanding by SE that SW provides enabling technology for system integration SE needs to take broader role, stay involved across life-cycle Key hard architecture problems require integrated SE/SWE approach –Ex. multi-level security issues (access rights); protection; resilience; non-functional requirements; quality attributes Shared ownership of problems between SWE/SE Architecture team needs to combine both SWE and SE background –How to support technically, managerially? In no specific order….
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE6 Fostering Shareable Viewpoints Sharable representation and language between SE and SWE (shared models/artifacts, not just data dictionaries or boundary objects) No guidance, process requirements for integrating systems and software workflows Capture lessons-learned to avoid mistakes, repeat successes (specific examples TBS) Development as collaboration among system elements, not traditional decomposition into functions Need better methods to support the explicit tradeoffs among different partitioning of the system and different levels of resolution in order to support better reconciliation among SE/SWE In no specific order….
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE7 Incremental / Iterative Approach is Critical to SE/SWE Integration Provide SE opportunity to experiment (and to fail), in order to understand feasibility “Incremental/iterative” processes provide more frequent opportunities for SE / SWE touch-points –How to implement in large-scale systems? Systems / HW / SW engineers must employ iterative methods (bunch of little V’s) In no specific order….
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE8 IS&SE for Complex Systems: General Issues SE should adopt more modern develop paradigms Commercial ROI vs DoD business model –Different incentives –Contractual / acquisition methods –Resulting in difficulty in adopting commercial practices for DoD systems Key role: “software system engineer” specialty to bridge gap? SWE/SE misunderstand respective roles and impacts of key decisions—Teams need to focus on –SE is more than defining Interfaces to appropriate levels of detail –Mission, orchestrating for global behaviors –Scalability In no specific order….
University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering October 2007©USC-CSSE9 IS&SE for Complex Systems: Summary Many key issues and opportunities discussed for current systems of today –Often based on example failures and successes Concerns: Are fixes for systems of today going to be obsolete for systems of tomorrow? Future efforts –Develop paper describing issues and opportunities in more detail –Follow-on workshops to develop opportunities further