12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP1 Evaluation of Vista Compared to Windows XP Heidi Parsaye CS522 Semester Research Project
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP2 Vista I will compare Vista with Windows XP Home Addition based on the following Criteria: USER EXPERIENCE SECURITY PERFORMANCE NETWORKING BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP3 USER EXPERIENCE Uncomfortable changes to the user interface and menus on Vista. Will illustrate by setting IP address on both systems. Replace the green start button with a round button with a Vista logo and no text. The Start Menu has been reorganized. Sub-menus have changed throughout the OS. IE 7 has a new look, new features and a new navigation menu sure to confuse and frustrate users. No clear instruction on how to handle user access control pop-ups will have users calling the help desk asking what to do.
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP4 Networking How Static IP setting is done on XP:
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP5 Control Panel,Network Connections
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP6 Right click on Network and select Properties
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP7 Select Internet protocol and properties and then you can set up the IP address.
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP8 And this is how it is done through Vista: Select Network
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP9 Click Network, Select Properties
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP10 Now which one do you think you should select? Customize or View status?
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP11 View status! Then Properties
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP12 Now you can select the Protocol
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP13 Vista is not very intuitive and it might be confusing as well.
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP14 SECURITY Vista claims that it is more secure than ever, with its 64-Bit Security Enhancements, Kernel Patch Protection and Mandatory Driver Signing. –Vista pops up for confirmation every time critical system features, such network IP address change is requested. Windows XP now has some of the features in Vista with the Service Pack and some of the other enhancements might be available outside of Vista like IE 7 and Office 2007 and Windows Defenders.
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP15 PERFORMANCE SuperFetch ReadyBoost ReadyDrive Sleep on desktop PCs Sleep on laptop PCs Windows SuperFetch
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP16 BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY I tried to install three different programs, Auto Cad 2006, Typing instruction and Counter Strike Source Game, and … I was not able to install any of them!
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP17 Summary Windows XP is still good enough for most people; Until Microsoft officially stops supporting Windows XP, many customers may take a wait- and-see approach until Vista is more widely adopted and "proven" in the business market. Like it or not, Windows Vista will be here by next year, and available pre-installed on PC systems. Then, Windows XP will only be available for another two years before it is discontinued. Do you have any choice?
12/6/2006Heidi Parasye/Vista vs. WinXP18 Referecnes What are important urls for your studies? List them here.