DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS DHI formally Danish Hydraulic Institute VKI formally Water Quality Institute have merged into DHI - Institute for Water and Environment Michael Blongewicz GIS Technical Analyst Flood Management Department Water Resource Division DHI
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Models –1 Dimensional MIKE 11 –2 Dimensional MIKE 21 –3 Dimensional MIKE SHE MIKE 3
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS MIKE 11
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS MIKE 11
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Deterministic Forecast Model MIKE 21
Sediment Transport DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS MIKE 21
Integrated Hydrological Modeling System MIKE SHE DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS
DHI utilizes GIS for many applications Provides an interface between model data and other land based data. Provides pre and post processing tools Provides other geographic analysis GIS products / applications include: MIKE 11 GIS MIKE Basin MIKE SHE GeoEditor MIKE INFO Land and Water MIKE INFO Coast EUROTAS
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Catchments Branches TimeSeries Locations Cross Sections Boundary Features Support for various feature types in a generic format EUROTAS
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Cross Section manipulation EUROTAS
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Accessing Time Series data EUROTAS
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Water Balance in Catchments MIKE INFO Land and Water
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Links to Hydrological Models MIKE INFO Land and Water
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Create Isohyetal Surfaces MIKE INFO Land and Water
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Mean Area Weighted Time Series MIKE INFO Land and Water
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Importing MIKE 11 H and Q Points MIKE 11 GIS
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Flood Mapping MIKE 11 GIS
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS MIKE Basin Identifying Flow System Inputs and Outputs
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Reservoir name Reservoir ID Initial water level Priority of inflow connections Priority of down-stream user(s) Down-streams user(s) reduction factor Down-stream user(s) loss factor Rule curves Height, Volume, Area Precipitation Evaporation MIKE Basin
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Beach Profile Comparisons MIKE INFO Coast
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Coastal Evolutions MIKE INFO Coast
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Survey Data MIKE INFO Coast
DHI’s Water Modeling and GIS Velocity Fields MIKE INFO Coast
MIKE Zero-fication! MIKE 11 MIKE 3 MIKE SHE MIKE 21 COM based development
DHI and the Arc Hydrology Data Model ArcMap with MIKE ZERO