German Life History Survey 201 respondents
The German life history survey (GLHS) Retrospective survey about life histories of men and women born in , , and (3 cohorts) Data collected in Description: Brückner and Mayer (1998). In: Giele and Elder ‘Methods of life course research’, Sage. Blossfeld and Rohwer (1995): subsample of 201 respondents with total of 600 employment spells
The GLS subsample Overall average rate of job change: –Number of job episodes: 600 –Number of job changes: 458 (closed intervals) –Total time spent in jobs: months Average per episode: months (B&R, p. 86) –Overall average rate of job change: 458/40781 = per month (B&R, p. 86)
Retrospective design Mark Clements, Cancer Council New South Wales, Australia, Multistate Lung Cancer Projection In: 2002\MD\p|Cancer
German life history study, Sample data (Blossfeld and Rohwer, 1995) Event file 1 ID Identif. Number 2 NOJ Serial number of the job 3 TS Starting time of job 4 ET Ending time of job 5 SEX (1 =men, 2 = women) 6 TI Date of interview 7 TB Date of birth 8 T1 Date of entry into labor market 9 TM Date of marriage (0 if no marriage) 10 PRES Prestige score of job i 11 PRESN Prestige score of job i+1 12 EDU Highest educational attainment
Number of jobs held, by sex (201 respondents)
Duration of jobs (B&R, 95, p. 86) Duration = endjcm - startcjm (or interview) + 1
Employment histories
Employment episodes
Position of employment career at selected ages ORIGIN STATE : NOJOB DESTINATION Age Occupancy Exposure Entries NOJOB JOB Censored TOTAL MAGE DISTRIB
Position of employment career at selected ages ORIGIN STATE : JOB DESTINATION Age Occupancy Exposure Entries NOJOB JOB Censored TOTAL MAGE DISTRIB
State occupancies Table 8.4 State occupancies at selected ages Observation starts at birth Age NOJOB JOB In Obs Censored
State occupancy at censoring Table 8.5 State occupancies at censoring by age at censoring, selected ages Observation starts at birth Age Total NOJOB JOB Total MAGE MED %
Table 8.6 Exposure, by age Observation starts at birth TOTAL IN OBS YRS_OBS n.y.obs NOJOB JOB Censored Total
State occupancies 201 respondents Censored
Exposures and transitions Open episodes 142 Total episodes Closed episodes 458 Years in observation
Transition rates Exit from job episode (see also SPSS)