Who Is Clyde Tamaru and Why is He at HIMB? Aquaculture Specialist UH Sea Grant College Program Lecturer Affiliate Graduate Faculty Affiliate Researcher
Creation of Sea Grant “Why not do for the cultivation of the oceans what wise men did for the land a century ago? Why not have Sea Grant Colleges?” - Athelstan Spilhaus, 1963 President Lyndon Johnson authorizes The National Sea Grant College and Program Act of The name “Sea Grant” emphasizes the parallel between the Sea Grant and Land Grant Program which was created more than a century earlier to develop our agricultural resources. In 1968, the University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program begins.
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Education: Waikalua Loko I‛a
Research: Aquaculture Complex
Artificially Propagating the Feather Duster Worm, Sabellastarte spectabilis for the Marine Ornamental Trade
World's Fish Supply Running Out, Researchers Warn By Juliet Eilperin Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, November 3, 2006
MHI targeted CPUE (lbs/trips) (Annual report 2001 WPRFMC, targeted CPUE) Temporal Change in Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) for Three Bottomfishes in The Main Hawaiian Islands The Secretary of Commerce notified the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (WPRFC) of the “over fishing” status (70 FR34452, June 14, 2005)
Under the Magnunson-Stevens Act the State SHALL…..
In August of 2007 NOAA Funding Is For Stock Enhancement and Open Ocean Aquaculture
Extramural Research Funding 2007 NOAA $175K USDA $103K CTSA $70K (Swordtail) CTSA $35K (Featherduster) 2008 NOAA $275K (Pending) NOAA $125K (Pending) NOAA $ 99K (EM Products pending) CTSA $35K (Swordtail) CTSA $28K (Opaka)