Microsoft Windows Vista OS “My people worked five years on this baby!! Buy it now. “ You’ll need a new PC, too, by the way. “And a new TV.” “Might as well get a new house while you’re at it.”
Lisa says…don’t rush to buy it for your school. Vista SP1 already! Let everyone else test it! XP SP2 is fine, for now. It’s expensive. Get it on your next new PC. Buy now Buy a new PC from one of my partners.
But it’s so cool! And MS says… It’s safer. It’s more entertaining. entertaining It’s more connected. It’s easier. easier
Tech Leaders and Your School Labs Vista is inevitable in the PC world Get Vista for yourself - learn it well! Role models for life-long learning Think about PD/ID
“Buy it. You know you want it.” “It really works, sort of.”