3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Creating an Interactive Online Tutorial (for Grid Computing) PI: Dr. Bina Ramamurthy Computer Science and Engineering Dept. Graduate Student: Surabhi Abhayankar Undergraduate Student: Min Suk Cha This project is partially supported by Educational Technology Grant of University at Buffalo and NSF DUE CCLI A&I
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Abstract Learn about the creation of the Visual Grid tutorial (ViGor) developed as part of a recent UB Educational Technology Grant. This project introduces a user-friendly visual learning tool for the emerging area of grid computing and technology. Professor Ramamurthy will discuss how this interactive tutorial has affected her students’ learning. She will also provide insight about her experiences regarding the UB Ed Tech Grant process.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Scope of this talk Grid computing Visual Grid Tutorial (ViGOR tool) My experience in creating this tool –Will discuss how to get there rather than a particular solution My experiences with ETC grant process
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Introduction: Grid Computing Grid computing offers an open and standard framework for integrating resources and computations across distributed, heterogeneous and dynamic organizations. It is an emerging technology that is expected to provide scalable solutions for a wide range complex scientific problems. –Examples: drug discovery, advanced weather prediction models; modeling spreading of avian flu; financial portfolio management; space applications
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Teaching Grid Computing NSF CCLI (Course, Curriculum, Laboratory and Instruction) grant NSF DUE CCLI A&I NSF CCLI Two courses CSE486/CSE487 Industrial training Guest lectures at Erie Community College, National Conferences Abundant text material generated: project GridForce (192 pages of pdf)GridForce Yet something was missing…Dissemination of information was not easy We needed visual tool for attracting student audience and non–domain users
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Problems Addressed While the grid can solve a wide range of problems, lack of a proper learning tool was hiding its real worth and impairing its growth and application. To address these problems, we designed and implemented a Visual Grid Tutorial (ViGOR) tool to disseminate to grid concepts and application models.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation ViGOR Tool ViGOR tool exposes grid concepts at three levels of detail: 1.Executive Summary High level information 2.Basic Concepts Architectural details and building blocks enabling a grid 3.Grid Programming Programming models with optional code details
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Tool Screen Shot
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation ViGOR1.0
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Design Details Fully animated visual tour of the concepts presented at three levels. The levels presented are embedded within each other and one can easily navigate among the three.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Implementation Details Vector graphics offered by Flash and the related e-learning support offered by Macromedia worked in favor of choosing Flash as the basic medium for development of ViGOR. ViGOR has been developed as a stand alone, web-accessible tool.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Grid Computing Concepts Illustrated in VIGOR Different types of grid Core services offered by the grid –soft-state management, notification, service data, routing, logging and virtualization System level services –Security and job execution Higher level services –Storage services, information services and resource framework Application models Programming models
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Broader Impact Provide a healthy support for the growth of grid. Present a visual tour of the grid technology. Offer an appealing façade to motivate undergraduates and visual learners to explore the grid. Adaptable, independent, and easily accessible medium. Framework for collaboration among grid computing specialists and domain experts.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Measures of Success for ViGOR ViGOR is a unique project that showcases grid technology. Learning tool ViGOR will complement the grid curriculum effort that is underway at UB and elsewhere. We are using it in CS486/586 for introducing grid computing (“easy transition”). We used ViGOR to introduce grid computing to EAS230 students (“cool”). Convenient tool for discussing the project with prospective collaborators and sponsors.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation The Real Measures of Success The learning process and the interaction with ETC –Weekly meetings Monthly meetings –Hopeless start to a decent tool –Very ambitious plan to a achievable goal : “server-based” architecture to a “web-based tool” –Conceptualization, technology selection, support –Constructive reviews and trouble shooting –Team support from ETC’s Tom and Robin –Support material: books to professional tools Financial support for a graduate student (ViGOR1.0) Undergraduate student worked on ViGOR1.2 and exhibited it in UB’s Annual Celebration of Academic Excellence in Undergraduate Research; he is a graduate student now.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation ViGOR Version 2 Improved visual appeal: Version1.0 was still textual More content added: grid computing area is vast
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation ViGOR1.0 ViGOR1.2
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation My Involvement in ETC 2003/2004: Attended many workshops offered by Etc. –Etc. offers some valuable workshops, services and facilities –Macromedia series 2005: attended Etc. showcase to observe projects and results of EdTech Round 6 (2004) grants June 2005: applied for Etc. grant 2005/2006: (Grant approved) –Project ViGOR design and implementation –Frequent meetings with Etc. folks Tom and Robin –Completed the project ViGOR(1.0, 1.2) 2006: Presented at the Etc. showcase 2006: Attended ”Blogging” workshop and “Blended Learning” webinar 2007: Presentation on making of ViGOR (Today)
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation Grant Details ETC grant proposal round 7, June 2005 Proposal was written with an urgent need Request for all $9000 max allowed Budget requested: – $6600 (max allowed) of it for a student to implement ViGOR –$2400 some for software + some for travel to publicize the tool (A panel of peers discuss the proposals and make selections) Etc director + Tom + I met to discuss project & budget Project scope scaled down and budget scaled down to $5500; I requested all of it for the student.
3/23/2007Education Technology Presentation