SME Policy - beyond the crises Internationalisationcenter Styria May 28th 2009 Innovative into New Markets
powered by : 2 Styrian Export Trends
powered by : 3 Top Ten Styrian Exports 2007 approximately 70% of total exports
powered by : 4 Structure of Styrian Entrepreneurship
powered by : 5 Strengths of Styrian Economy Automotive Industry / Mobility Creative Industries Energy and Environmental Technologies Wood / Paper / Wood Construction Medical and Human Technologies Food Technologies TIME Telecommunications / IT / Media / Electronics Materials Engineering / Plant construction Nano / Micro Technologies Simulation / Mathematical Modelling
powered by : 6 Export Strategy 2010 Approximately 2,600 Styrian companies are active in international markets. These account for eight per cent of all Styrian industrial enterprises. In total there is potential for 10 percent. The program shall facilitate raising this potential by 2010 Encourage and qualify SMEs Increase the potential for exports
powered by : ICS: an enterprise by… ICS – the one-stop-shop for Styrian institutions and companies regarding all questions of internationalisation. State Government of Styria Styrian Chamber of Commerce Styrian Federation of Industry CEO Board CEO Foreign Trade RIST Enterprise Europe Network Territorial Cooperation
powered by : 8 ICS – One-Stop Shop ICS offers streamlined internationalisation support since mid-2005 so far unique in Austria TC Territorial Cooperation Government of Styria (since mid-2007) RIST (Regional Internationalisation Strategy of Styria) Government of Styria Finance Consulting Government of Styria Business Centre Government of Styria International Marketing of Styria abroad Government of Styria UN Procurement/CIMIC/Offset Government of Styria and Styrian Economic Chamber EEN (Enterprise Europe Network) Styrian Economic Chamber Foreign Trade Organisation Styrian Economic Chamber
powered by : 9 ICS Mission Statement The ICS is the one-stop shop for Styrian export and internationalisation. We encourage and support companies and institutions in their endeavor to enter foreign markets by intensifying export activities.
powered by : 10 Missions From Styria into the whole world Establishment of Styrian institutions & companies in the global market Facilitation of new market entries and international project support Intensification of existing contacts in the Central and Eastern European region Encourage Styrian SMEs to internationalise
powered by : 11 ICS Customers Enterprises Public Sector Cluster Networks ICS Target Group
powered by : 12 Foreign Trade/Export Service Foreign trade conferences Export workshops Informative meetings Go-international initiative
powered by : 13 AWO - Network 108 internationalisation contacts for Austrian economy for Austrian economy
powered by : 14 RIST - Regional Internationalisation Styria Find international partners for Styrian companies Participate in international tenders Establish Styrian companies in target markets Intensify existing trade relations Subsidize market entries Support internationalisation Focused support that is complementary to AWO offerings
powered by : 15 RIST concept European Prize for the Most Innovative Region in Europe And the winners are: Aragón (E), Vorarlberg and Styria (A) Strasbourg – February 13, 2007 The autonomous region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia-I and the Assembly of European Regions (VRE) have jointly awarded the 1st European Prize for the Most Innovative Region in Europe. The prize honours European regional corporations, which stimulate, promote and have introduced innovation in their region. It is intended to spread best practices and show how regions can contribute to regional economic wealth. The winners are the Spanish region of Aragón with its project 'Innov100: starting innovative activities in 100 companies‘, and two Austrian federal states, Vorarlberg with its project 'Office for Issues Regarding the Future' and Styria with its project 'Regional Internationalisation Strategy'. The “RIST“ concept is regionally and internationally recognised.
powered by : 16 RIST- Regions - Focus Areas Croatia - communal infrastructure and environmental technology Serbia - AP Vojvodina Rumania/Bulgaria communal infrastructure, environmental technology and energy industry Hungary - renewable energy, environmental technology and communal infrastructure Poland - environmental technology/ renewable energy Bosnia, Herzegovina - environmental technology/ renewable energy
powered by : Territorial Cooperation (TC) Funding (by order of the State Government of Styria) Co-financing of economic related EU - projects of Styrian companies and institutions Development Supporting Styrian companies in developing economic related EU - projects and - initiatives (Information services, networking, lobbying) Processing working on economic related EU projects as project partner or -leader (ongoing – transfused by the State Government of Styria; and new EU projects, programs: ETC, FP7, LLL. etc
powered by : Territorial Cooperation (TC) European Union Authorized representative of the State Government of Styria Development, Evaluation & national Funding (co-financing) CoR & AER; Lisbon Agenda (Lisbon Monitoring Platform) Policy Recommendations for Internationalisation & Innovation other Tasks Prioritization of international programs & projects of Styria Internationalisation of Clusters, Networks & Competence Centers Styrian Business center (St. Petersburg, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Shanghai) International Marketing of Styria abroad
powered by : 19 Enterprise Europe Network 500 Organisations (Chambers of Commerce, Regional Development Agencies, Universities) 4,000 Experts 40 Countries (EU 27, Turkey, Macedonia, Norway, Iceland, Armenia, Israel, Switzerland)
powered by : 20 EEN in Austria 1 Co-ordinator: WKÖ 12 Network partners WKO, FFG, VBA (Vienna) WKOOE and CATT (Linz) WKS (Salzburg) ICS and SFG (Graz) WKK (Klagenfurt) WKT and BEP (Innsbruck) WKV (Feldkirch)
powered by : 21 EEN – Fields of Activity Advice on EU topics, programmes and EU funding Assistance with international business partner search (business co- operation; technology transfer) Support for SMEs when entering new markets Advice on technical issues, IPR, harmonised standards and legal provisions of the EU Promotion of research and innovation EU projects
powered by : 22 Focus Programme Objective : Leverage market opportunities for Styrian companies in particular on growth markets, which have traditionally been restricted for SME The ICS recommends relevant programs based on the following market conditions: extraordinary purchase power (e.g. sports events such as World Cups) extraordinary prospects for Austrian companies extraordinary potential for Styria high interest of Styrian companies in particular markets high interest of foreign markets in co-operation with Styrian companies existing or easy to develop know-how resources (own or of partners)
powered by : 23 Michael Azodanloo Authorized representative of the State Government of Styria for Territorial Cooperation ICS Internationalisierungscenter Steiermark GmbH Head of Department for Territorial Cooperation A-8010 Graz | Koerblergasse 117 (access: Lindweg 33) T | F M Thank you for your attention!
powered by : Styria – enjoy your life!