ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Web Design: Graphics and Text Perspective: human information processing. Contrast: traditional print media versus web. Web is non-linear, visual; but also includes the linear and verbal.
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Visual Right Brain Verbal Left Brain simultaneoussequential notices patternsdetects features syntheticalanalytical intuitiverational timelesstime-centered subjectiveobjective wants overviewinterested in details
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Verbal Frames Synergism of verbal and visual
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Verbal frame adds coherence Increases value for user
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar “Can Crusher” --User focus? Technical readers process graphics first.
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Axial Compression –User focus?
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Radial Compression – User focus?
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Challenger Graphic
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Powerpoint Synergism Even with just text: Spatial arrangement of verbal material builds visual display of structure Easy to add graphics and speech Multimodal: print plus presentation plus posting
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Designing Effective Web Communications Build on conventions of both seeing and reading. Visual and verbal Holistic and elemental Synchronous and sequential Provide non-serial, “more than one direction of travel” options for users. Allows unique construction by user. “Authority” is not controlling.
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Special Issues for Resumes Formal résumé is bound by print conventions, but may be “retro fitted” : ü Links support development (depth) ü Links should not send visitors away via affiliations
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Practical accommodations Convey meaning spatially—a strength of PowerPoint, emphasis on message structure Forecast frequently: provide overviews—summarize choices available use descriptive labels for links, e.g., Print-friendly résumé not click here for résumé User rules: Jacob Nielsen’s
ME 290 Global Engineering Seminar Engineering Exhibit Challenge Tell a story: STAR! Use visuals for impact and processing speed Include the person (you!) as the central character.