Defining a Model of CALL Chapter 7, Ken Beatty (2003)
Main Issues 1. What variables are traditionally involved in the educational process? 2. How do these variables differ in CALL materials? 3. How can CALL be portrayed in a model?
A Model of non-CALL Language Learning (I) Breen (1998) – variables affecting language learning What the learner brings or contributes to the process The nature of the actual language learning process The outcomes from the process in terms of linguistic or communicative competence in the target language
A Model of non-CALL Language Learning (II) Dunkin and Biddle (1974) – a general classroom teaching model that can be used to study a language classroom Presage variables (teacher formative experiences, teacher training experiences, and teacher properties) Context variables (learner properties, and school, community and classroom contexts) Process variables (teacher classroom behavior and student classroom behavior) Product variables (immediate learner growth and long- term learner effects)
Dunkin and Biddle’s Model (1974) for the Study of Classroom Teaching (in Beatty, p. 135)
An Instructional Model in a CALL Context (I) Beatty’s three ways of considering CALL programs (2003): 1. As a supplementary learning material (a tool) 2. As an autonomous process (a tutor) 3. As a virtual teacher for distance learning
An Instructional Model in a CALL Context (II) Butler-Pascoe and Wiburg's model of computer- based English language learning (2003): Focus on the learning process 1. Individualized skill development programs 2. Collaborative learning centers
Butler-Pascoe and Wiburg's Model (2003) of Computer-based English Language Learning (p. 153)
An Instructional Model in a CALL Context (III) Sloane (1990) and Boyd & Mitchell (1992): considering CALL a conversational activity shared among The learner The machine tutor (i.e. computer program) The educator (and/or) The material developer
An Instructional Model in a CALL Context (IV) (in Beatty, p. 146) Dunkin and Biddle’s Model in a CALL Context
Comparison in Presage Variables Teacher attributes vs. Program attributes Presage variables in a non-CALL context Presage variables in a CALL context Teacher formative experiencesMaterials developers’ collective experiences Teacher training experiencesIdeas of models of instruction Teacher properties (personality traits, abilities, attitudes, etc.) Technical affordances of the program (user-friendliness)
Comparison in Context Variables Context variables in a non-CALL context Context variables in a CALL context Learner formative experiencesLearner formative experiences in CALL Learner propertiesLearner properties in CALL (e.g., computer literacy level) Classroom learning interaction (student – teacher) Learning interaction in CALL (student – computer and/or teacher ) Classroom learning environments (goals, structure, format) Learning environments in CALL (p.141) (goals, navigation, structure, format)
Comparison in Process Variables (I) Teacher behavior vs. Program interface Locus of control : the continuum between the program’s and the learner’s responsibility for decisions about the learning outcomes, sequence of learning, learner interactions, and even content. Program User Tutorial | Games | Simulation | Experimental | Content-free | Programming games simulations tools languages (Chandler’s categories of CAI/CALL activities, 1984) Behaviorist Constructivist Model Model Individualism Collaboration & Competitiveness & Negotiation The Internet, CMC
Comparison in Process Variables (II) Bloom’s Taxonomy of Questions Bloom believed that 95% of all classroom questions were at the low level of checking factual information for learner memorization of knowledge. CALL programs (e.g., using multiple modalities and hyperlinks) can challenge students to perform at higher levels of cognitive strategies. Knowledge (memorizing, recalling) Comprehension (interpreting) Application (problem solving) Analysis (subdividing, classifying, finding the underlying structure) Synthesis (combining ideas to form a new whole) Evaluation (making value decisions, developing opinions)
Comparison in Product Variables The differences between a traditional classroom teaching model and a CALL model: What is measured How it is measured Traditional measurement of language learning CALL programs’ measurement of learning - Teacher observations - Tests - Teacher feedback - Time spent in each section - Computer-assisted tests - Immediate computer-based feedback on progress - E-portfolios
A Virtual Classroom A virtual classroom is an electronic classroom which can be expandable in time, space, and content. Its informational territory can grow indefinitely as new knowledge and resources are acquired and as the capabilities of new members are added. In a virtual classroom learners can find not only pedagogical resources but also human (social) resources to support their learning. Information and problem-solving capabilities can be mutually shared and reinforced through collaborative interconnection.
Reexamining Dunkin and Biddle’s Model in a CALL Context Do you think this model appropriately describes how language is learned and taught in a CALL context? What may be missing in this model? (in Beatty, p. 146) Teacher behavior Teacher formative exp. training exp. & properties