Lecture 3 August 5, 2005 Lehninger (4 th Edition), Chapter 13
Types of Organic Reactions 1) Group transfer Glucose + ATP Glu-6-P + ADP H 2 O + ATP P i + ADP 2) Oxidation-reduction reactions Ethanol + NAD + acetaldehyde + NADH + H + 3) Eliminations, isomerizations, rearrangements aldose ketose 4) reactions involving making or breaking of C-C bonds Fru-1,6, bisphosphate dihydroxyacetone-phosphate + glyceraldehyde-3phosphate
Biochemical reactions are subject to the laws of thermodynamics
A + B C + D G = 0 at equilibrium
Gas constant R = J/mol. K = cal/mol. K 1 cal = J at 25 o C RT = kJ/mol = kcal/mol
Many reactions in biological systems are by themselves not energetically favored ( G > 0) they have to be “pushed” 1. By changing concentrations of reactants 2. By coupling them to energy releasing reactions 3. enzymatic mechanisms are designed to accomplish this
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a mixed anhydride
LNC 14-8
Oxidation - Reduction Reactions a second major source of chemical free energy for biological work
LNC 14.14
[lactate] [NAD+] G = G o ’ + RT ln [pyruvate] [NADH] [lactate] [NAD+] E = E o ’ - RT/n F ln [pyruvate] [NADH] G = - n F E
transfer of hydride ion (two electrons) in one step LNC 14-15a
LNC 14-15b
FAD FMN LNC two steps one electron and one proton transferred in each step
End of lecture 3 August 5, 2005