Searching for spin-liquids and non-Fermi liquids in quantum strongly correlated systems.


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Presentation transcript:

Searching for spin-liquids and non-Fermi liquids in quantum strongly correlated systems

Spin systems Geometry (+ Disorder) Frustration Exotic ordered ground-state: The spin-glass state Temperature melts the ordered state Quantum Can quantum fluctuations “melt” the SG state even at T=0? Spin fluid state?

Basic frustrated model: archetypal SG, the SK model Random J ij  quantum spin glass model Positive J ij + kagome lattice  quantum spin fluid model ?

The classic “ best ” candidate for a quantum spin fluid (1988) SCGO: double layer kagome spins 3/2

New “ best ” candidate for spin fluid system Paractamite ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2 is the observed experimental behavior intrinsic of a kagome lattice?

Some recent results 12 sites tiling w/2 spin-holes NMR Olariu et al PRL (2008)

The classic example: Mott transition in V 2 O 3 McWhan et al PRB ’71 ‘73 T pressure or chemical substitution

Analogy between DMFT and conventional MFT

k-resolved A(w) k   insulator metal 

Takizawa, Fujimori, Sordi, MR Prediction of Hubbard bands in SrVO3

Novel NFL phase in the Periodic Anderson model FL MAG QCP NFL T Mott