Slide 1 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 1 Interoperability with regard to Boundary Conditions Alfred Hofstadler Meteorological Applications Section Operations Department ECMWF
Slide 2 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 2 Boundary Conditions ALADIN/LACE -ARPEGE -Some tests with IFS (Hungary) Promising results Needs pre-processing to generate FA (Fichier ARPEGE) Timeliness issue COSMO -GME: ARPA-SMR, DWD, IMGW -IFS: HNMS, Meteo Swiss, UGM, (LEPS) HIRLAM -IFS
Slide 3 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 3 ECMWF Boundary Conditions Optional Project Four times a day at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC Fully integrated into ECMWF operational system: -Main deterministic runs at 00 and 12 UTC cycles are used to generate Boundary Conditions products -Special BC runs at 06 and 18 UTC (identical configuration) IFS: T799 (~25km) L91 (surface-80km) 4D-Var with 6-hour data assimilation window Forecast with 3-hourly post-processing 0-78 hours Dissemination -Interpolation, rotation, frames, “bitmaps”, backup-products -GRIB only
Slide 4 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 4
Slide 5 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 5 BC Products and Backup Products: BC Runs Products Backup +6 Backup +12 FC-Steps An 78 Four times a day at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC
Slide 6 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 6 ECMWF BC Schedule (from ) 00 UTC06 UTC12 UTC18 UTC Analysis05:4011:4017:4023:40 Day 1 (step 24)05:5211:5217:5223:52 Day 2 (step 48)05:5911:5917:5923:59 Day 3 (step 72)06:0612:0618:0600:06
Slide 7 EUMETNET SRNWP Interoperability Workshop 2008 Slide 7 ECMWF BC Interoperability Issues Requirements not supported in Dissemination system: -Special GRIDs, FORMATs, …? Solutions: -Short term: framework for time-critical applications -Long term: modifications to production system Timeliness: -ARPEGE and GME have shorter data cut-off Solutions: -Short term: use 06 and 18 UTC cycles -Long term: review production system Access for non-ECMWF-BC members EPS Boundary Conditions