Business and Computing Deanery 3D Modelling Week 5 Lighting, cameras and an introduction to animation
3D Modelling 2 Last week - Materials Why materials? Working with materials in 3ds max Shaders and rendering Surface properties Applying maps Bitmaps Procedural Libraries Exporting materials
3D Modelling 3 Aims of today Output Realtime or photorealistic? Lighting and shadows Cameras Introduction to animation Next week your presentation
3D Modelling 4 Realtime v. photorealistic Compare lighting OpenGL - max 8 Photorealistic – 10 per character Convergence of realtime and photorealistic Realtime is now used to plan real movies Realtime is increasingly being used over the Web for product display Used extensively in games
3D Modelling 5 Realtime rendering Depends upon your graphic card APIs Application Programming Interfaces Open GL Direct X Used in plugins and games Can be used for the Viewport display in your 3D modelling software
3D Modelling 6 Internal or 3 rd party Traditional The CG production pipeline Story Art Set design Layout Animation Shading Modelling Rendering Lighting Simulation Effects Film Commercial Editorial
3D Modelling 7 Rendering The act of translating the information in the files that make up the shot into a single frame of film Rendering "fills in" geometry with color, shadow, lighting effects, etc. Pixar have created Renderman 10 years ago it took 6 hours to render one frame How many today? Use render farms
3D Modelling 8 Types rendering Renders viewport view Quick render Render to file Still image, frame Animation Render to print Quicktime VR 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 9 Render settings Resolution Height and width in pixels Consider aspect ratio Colour depth 8 bit allows 256 colours 24 bit allows 16 million More colours helps reduce banding and errors Anti-aliasing Active time segment Alpha channel Atmospherics Eg. fog Effects Eg. Blur Advanced lighting Use a radiosity solution or light tracing in the rendering Render output
3D Modelling 10 File types The rendered output can be a still image or an animation A selection of file types AVI File (AVI) BMP Image file (BMP) Encapsulated PostScript format (EPS, PS) JPEG File (JPG) MOV QuickTime file (MOV) PNG Image File (PNG) TIF Image File (TIF) Which are used for still or animation?
3D Modelling 11 Export / import 3D Studio (3DS) Adobe Illustrator (AI) ASC Scene Export (ASE) AutoCAD (DWG) an AutoCAD (DXF) Shockwave 3D FiLMBOX (FBX) Initial Graphics Exchange Standard (IGES) Lightscape Material (ATR), Lightscape Blocks (BLK), Lightscape Parameter (DF), Lightscape Layers (LAY), Lightscape View (VW), Lightscape Preparation File (LP) Stereolithography (STL) VRML97 (WRL) May need to purchase an additional plugin Problems with shaders and maps
3D Modelling 12 Exporting models Check what you are exporting The geometry or mesh Textures and maps? You may need to export them separately Lights ? Cameras? Shadows If supported they usually need to be re-generated Animation? Find out before you go to far, do a test
3D Modelling 13 Concepts Light has warmth (yellowish) or coolness (bluish) Intensity Angle if incidence Radiosity Light reflecting from an object Attenuation Light becomes weaker with distance 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 14 Lighting basics Three main sources of lighting in classic photography Key Fill Backlight Concepts apply to 3D programs, plus Ambient light
3D Modelling 15 Getting it right 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 16 Key light Outdoors The sun Indoors Major window Main electric light Flash on a camera
3D Modelling 17 Fill light Fills in the dark shadows cast by the key light Outdoors may be created artificially Indoors from secondary lights Distant window Light fitting Softens shadows 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 18 Backlight Situated behind the subject Separates the foreground from the background Can make the scene more three- dimensional
3D Modelling 19 Lighting strategies 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 20 Planning lighting Default lighting Use this until you are happy with the scene, then add lights Use as few as possible Start with the key light Maybe a spot Add fill Use omni or several spots Finally add accent lighting 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 21 Ambient light Not a light source Light from other sources bouncing of walls, the ceiling and other objects in the scene Can be achieved by Radiosity rendering Or the software can lighten the scene by 10% 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 22 Lighting direction Single light from side Single light straight on Both sides Reduced full fill 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 23 Target lights and cameras Target Easier to aim Simply position the target object at the centre of interest Free 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 24 Activity Create a flat surface with a sphere and a cone sitting on top Add one or more spotlights to provide lighting and render the scene: Frontal Overhead Backlighting Dual side Underlighting
3D Modelling 25 Types of lighting Standard Omnidirectional light Directional light Spotlights Advanced Photometric lights
3D Modelling 26 Omnidirectional light Known as omni light Like a bare light bulb Casts rays in all directions from a single source 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 27 Directional light Also known as Distant lights Cast parallel light rays Primarily used to simulate sunlight
3D Modelling 28 Spotlights Casts a focused beam of light like a flashlight, a follow spot in a theatre, or a headlight. 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 29 Activity Create a flat surface with a sphere and a cone sitting on top Add a spotlight Add an omni light behind the scene Alter the values to achieve a balanced rendering 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 30 Standard light settings Intensity Angle of incidence Attenuation Reflected light and ambient light Colour
3D Modelling 31 Brightness and colour Intensity sets the brightness of the scene Range from 0 to 255 (white) Colour – use the RGB sliders 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 32 Attenuation Natural reduction of light intensity 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 33 Activity With your scene experiment with your light settings Vary the light settings for: Intensity Angle of incidence Attenuation Reflected light and ambient light Colour
3D Modelling 34 Use of shadows Default lighting Spot plus low level back lighting Spot 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 35 Shadows Photometric and standard lights both have the same options for generating shadows Two types Shadow mapped Ray-traced
3D Modelling 36 Shadow mapped Grayscaled texture map based on the lighting and mesh Soft-edged More natural May be blocky May be inaccurate May be incorrectly positioned Do not take transparency into account Do not take on the colour cast of the object May use a lot of RAM 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 37 Ray traced shadows Ray tracing techniques Have a hard edge Software can be used to soften Very accurate and precise Does not use a lot of RAM 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 38 Hotspot and falloff Hotspot Angle of the inner portion of the beam Falloff Angle of the outer beam Differences in angles make the effect softer 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 39 Include and exclude Some software allows you to set up lights that affect only certain objects Use a pick list to select objects
3D Modelling 40 Colour and mood Cool colours – blues and violets Still and calm Warm colours – yellows, red and orange Fiery and energetic Intense and active Be careful, keep it subtle
3D Modelling 41 Activity Create a flat surface with a sphere and a cone sitting on top Add a spot light Add a fill light Alter the hotspot/fallout Alter the type of shadow
3D Modelling 42 Photometric lights Photometric lights enable you to more accurately define lights as they would be in the real world using ray tracing Distribution, intensity, colour temperature can be set 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 43 Global Illumination with Radiosity Standard lights are simpler than natural lighting Using photometric lights with a radiosity solution with your lights provides a better model of the real world Radiosity is rendering technology that realistically simulates the way in which light interacts in an environment
3D Modelling 44 Preset photometric lights Generic 60W Bulb Generic 75W Bulb Generic 100W Bulb Generic Halogen Spotlight Generic Recessed 75W Lamp (web) Generic Recessed 75W Wallwash (web) Generic Recessed 250W Wallwash (web) Generic 4ft Pendant Fluorescent (web) Generic 4ft Cove Fluorescent (web) Generic Street 400W Lamp (web) Generic Stadium 100W Lamp (web)
3D Modelling 45 Photometric lights Target Point Similar to a standard omni light, emits light from a geometric point Spotlight Focused beam Web distribution Distribution of light Many lighting manufacturers provide web files that model their products 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 46 Activity Create a flat surface with a sphere and a cone sitting on top Add photometric lights
3D Modelling 47 Sunlight and Daylight A system that follows the geographically correct angle and movement of the sun over the earth at a given location You can choose Location Date and time Compass orientation. 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 48 Daylight Daylight combines sunlight and skylight The sunlight component can be either IES Sun light Illuminating Engineering Society Values set automatically based on geographic location, time, and date Or a standard light (a target direct light). The sky component can be either an IES Sky light Or a Skylight.
3D Modelling 49 Cameras Virtual cameras duplicate the functions and controls of real-world cameras What controls does a real-world camera have? A. Focal length B. Field of View 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 50 Focal length The distance between the lens and the light-sensitive surface Lens size 28mm wide angled lens 50mm normal lens 85mm long focus and more….
3D Modelling 51 Field of view Field of View the width of your view as an angle with its apex at your viewpoint and the ends at the sides of the view Relates to the lens size 28mm wide angled lens 75 o 50mm normal lens 40 o 85mm long focus 24 o 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 52 Activity Create a linear array of cubes Create another linear array of the first set of cubes Add a camera Change a viewport to a camera Alter the lens size Normal Wide angled Telephoto
3D Modelling 53 Depth of Field Simulates the natural blurring of foreground and background scene elements when viewed through a camera lens Related to the aperture setting on a real camera 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 54 Clipping frame Exclude some of a scene’s geometry and view or render only certain portions of the scene 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 55 Activity Working with your set of cubes: Position of four cameras as follows: Bird’s eye Overhead Worm’s eye Normal Export as VRML and view Alter the depth of field Alter the clipping planes
3D Modelling 56 Animation Timelines Keyframes Constraints Kinematics Atmospheric effects Chapter 9 3D graphics and Animation
3D Modelling 57 Concepts What is animation? Modification of any kind of object Light Material Camera What can you change? Parameters Position Rotation Scale What parameters have been changed? 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 58 Frames A series of still images Frames Persistence of vision Illusion of fluid motion 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 59 Frame rates Frame rate Speed at which the images are displayed Frames per second Different systems have different rates Standard rate in UK for output to film is 24fps 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 60 Timeline controls VCR like section of the interface 9 Animation playback controls 10 Animation keying controls 14 Track bar 15 Time slider
3D Modelling 61 Key framing Like traditional 2D animation techniques Specific frames Tweening Computer calculates the parameters of the object’s position for each intermediate frame 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 62 Activity Create a scene with spheres, cones, cylinders Make something move
3D Modelling 63 Constraints Animation constraints are used to help automate the animation process. Used to control an object’s Position Rotation scale A binding relationship with another object Requires one object and at least one target object The target imposes specific limits on the constrained object
3D Modelling 64 Motion paths A path constraint restricts an object's movement along a spline The spline curve (target) defines a path of motion for the constrained object. 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 65 Keyframe weighting Affects the behaviour of the motion path Linear weighting Keyframe to keyframe in a straight line TCB Tension Amount of curvature in the path before and after the keyframe Continuity Adjust how tngent the path is to the control point Bias Maximum extreme point
3D Modelling 66 Moving cameras 1 Pan Rotates the target about the camera Tilt or orbit Rotates a camera about the target 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 67 Moving cameras 2 Dolly Moves the camera and/or its target along the camera's main axis Truck Moves the camera parallel to the view plane 3ds max v7
3D Modelling 68 Activity Create a scene with spheres, cones, cylinders Create a motion path between these shapes Add an object to the path A box to represent a vehicle Add a camera to your vehicle
3D Modelling 69 References Giambruno M, (2002) 3D Graphics & Animation, 2nd Edition, New Riders, ISBN: Kerlow I. V., (2003) The Art of 3-D Computer Animation and Effects, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc; ISBN: Murdock K. L., 3ds max7 Bible, Wiley Publishing; ISBN: Screen shots taken from 3ds max 7 User Reference and tutorials