1111 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? UCN Symposium: In Pursuit of Excellence 20 May 2003 Presented by: Josefine Dolle.


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Presentation transcript:

1111 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? UCN Symposium: In Pursuit of Excellence 20 May 2003 Presented by: Josefine Dolle

1212 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? 1. Introduction: Why adopt a VLE? 2. VLE for German & online assessment 3. Students’ perception 4. Online tutorial support for GER3009: German Independent Learning 5. Conclusions

1313 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? 1. Introduction: Why adopt a VLE? Curriculum developments: – –Multi-level entry policy for languages (1998) – –Common Academic Framework (1999)  greater diversity of students QAA: Languages Benchmark Statements “IT skills, such as word processing, , databases, online environments and the use of the Internet as a research and study tool”.

1414 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? b b 2. VLE for German & online assessment b b 2.1 Access: via UCN Languages Homepage German WebBoard Example of ‘gateway’ to online assessment tasks for: German Business Communication (Level 2) German Business Communication

1515 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? b b 2.2 Online assessment Tutor-designed interactive activities: – –‘Hot Potatoes’: gap-filling exercise & feedback‘Hot Potatoes’: gap-filling exercisefeedback Tutor-designed non-interactive activities: – –Example of WebQuest:WebQuest » »Contemporary Germany : (Level 3)Contemporary Germany

1616 Student projects: – –Example of ‘Relate-Create-Donate’:Relate-Create-Donate’ » »Student group web project (Level 2)Student group web project – –Online essay (individual task) (Level 3)Online essay (individual task) E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?

1717 b b 3. Students’ perception Survey conducted across all German modules in early May 2003: – –Sample surveys: Level 2 & Level 3Level 2Level 3 No. of students surveyed: – –at Level 1: 17 – –at Level 2: 17 – –at Level 3: 6 Findings to be analysed using SPSS, for publication in July E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?

1818 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?

1919 E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?

E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? b b 3.2 Formally assessed web-based tasks b b Positive student comments Useful for practice/ revision/ remembering vocabulary You can do tasks in your own time/ take as long as you want Makes you think! You can check your answers and scores directly You can access hints so you can check on what you don’t understand Improves accuracy of written work Boosts grades Boosted my confidence It’s good that activities are always available Web activities easy to use Different method from other modules Fun when you get into it

E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? b b (cont.) Formally assessed web-based tasks b b Difficulties encountered when accessing/ completing tasks Logging onto website/ network problems Limited access to PC on campus/ unable to get a computer on campus as they are being used or don’t work Lack of access to internet at home/ Only able to access internet by coming onto campus Can’t access activities when the WebBoard is down Frustration with online task not being sent until everything is 100% correct

b b 3.3 Online essays b b Positive student comments Original - never done before Makes a change from usual written essays The instructions provided via the WebBoard are very good & do give you suitable links to look at Online access to sources is useful/ saves time Improves IT skills/ Increases IT competence You feel good when you finish it! E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?

b b (cont.) Online essays b b Difficulties encountered Lack of PCs on campus Lack of printing facilities Not all computers on campus are equipped with an ‘edit button’ to create web pages Network problems Lack of internet access at home Not being able to work out why links don’t work can be frustrating and time consuming E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?

E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward? b b 4. Online tutorial support for GER3009: German Independent Learning Online tutorial homepage

b b 5. Conclusions - Success factors ‘E’ ngagement of students N ovelty factor O ngoing evaluation V irtual support and user-friendliness A dd in  formally assessed online tasks T raining and IT support I mprovements in students’ grades V ery positive student feedback E -learning = enhanced learning bb?bb? E-learning and online assessment: an ‘e-novative’ way forward?