1 STEP III MICE Analysis Workshop RAL – 4/9/2008 m. apollonio, IC
2 def: two tracker solenoids & no RFs & LiH absorber inserted in between a) STEP III was thought as an intermediate stage to calibrate the trackers, the main assumption being upstream = downstream b) a possibility is using STEPIII to show a first effect of cooling [MA, JC CM14, Osaka 2006] however first studies showed that assumption (a) is naïve and cooling in (b) is not exactly how you would expect
3 i =0.1 cm rad i =0.2 cm rad i =0.3 cm rad i =0.6 cm rad i =1.0 cm rad emittance growth in vacuum: NO ABSORBERS
4 Non Flip Mode Flip Mode +2.8 % +2.3 % in vacuum
5 how can it be? there is no reason to violate Liouville’s theorem (Hamiltonian System), however: a)little mismatch due to non-paraxial beams (at higher emittances) b)non-linear forces phase space does not transform linearly
6 xx linear transformation NON-linear transformation effective EMITTANCE
7 phase space density for low SPA regions much less sensitive to tails equilibrium vacuum growth subtracted emi. % variation