Engaging with the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Gatsby Foundation Science Project – our experience at Boston College. Rachel Hunn
Background and aims of the scientific research project. Scheme is sponsored by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (set up by Lord Sainsbury) and aims to increase the number of people with Level 3 and 4 technician skills in science, engineering and technology. There is a current skills shortage and it is estimated that there will be a shortfall of 450,000 technicians by Access to Science learners at Boston College have undertaken the 6 credits Practical Scientific Project unit (CBG136) as part of their Access to HE Diploma and with the support of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Gatsby Foundation have undertaken an employer led project in science which has enabled learners to achieve Registered Science Technician status.
The role of the Gatsby Foundation & Royal Society of Chemistry Provide funding and project management to support the college in undertaking the project. Induct learners to the Gatsby project and raise awareness of the benefits of the 2 year RSC student membership, e.g. access to journals & databases. Where possible support and facilitate initial contact with employers that colleges / learners can engage with to identify appropriate scientific project titles. Undertake the final assessment of the learners’ scientific projects by 1-1 interview to determine whether the requirements of RSciTech status have been met by each learner. Provide a free CPD session to college science staff. Organise a high profile awards ceremony in London celebrating the top 25 learners’ achievements.
The role of your college To liaise with Aim Awards to indicate that you are interested in undertaking the Gatsby Project and to ensure that the Practical Scientific Project Unit forms part of your Access to Science (& Engineering) Diploma registration. To complete a Gatsby Project application form To pay £19 / year / learner for two year’s student membership of the RSC and the RSCiTech registration fee of £15 for each learner. To take responsibility for engaging with an employer/ employers. To ensure one member of the Science team staff has RSC registration. To facilitate the induction, support sessions to ensure that learners are making the most of their RSC membership and the final assessment at a mutually convenient time.
What were the benefits for Boston college? Raised awareness of our Access to Science provision with local employers. Has proved to be a factor in increased recruitment for our Access to Science Diploma. Provided funded staff development and a visit to the RSC, London Learners took the Scientific Project unit more seriously as their findings were presented to the employer and this also increased levels of competition and raised attainment. Learners really valued their RSC membership and the access to online research sources that were useful across the whole of their Access programme units. Visiting guest speakers were passionate about science and their enthusiasm was contagious. Learners are inspired by the possibility of the designation “RSciTech” after their name if successful and this also helps with gain of employment whilst at University and beyond.
In conclusion… lessons learnt for a successful experience. 1. Engage with employers early 2. Ensure your Senior management are on board 3. Don’t panic – it is very flexible! 4. Aim Awards will help you every step of the way
AIM Awards pre-Access Qualifications Ian Hartley Development Officer
Why have they changed? Previously pre-Access used Level 2 SEFL Due to new SFA rules the funding will be withdrawn at the end of the 2014/15 academic year New rules state Level 2 qualifications have to be vocationally specific
The new qualifications Level 2 Certificates 18 Credits : 3 Mandatory credits - Investigating a Career 15 Optional credits – Vocationally related to the qualification Study Skills embedded in the unit assessment
Qualifications AIM Awards Level 2 Certificate in: Skills for Health Professions (QCF) Skills for Social Care (QCF) Skills for Applied Science and Engineering (QCF)
Further Details Available from July 2015 SFA Funded for 2015/16 academic year Specification and Assessment Strategy to be published June 2015